Please join our Lafayette-area chess clubs for a USCF Regular-Rated Tournament! All USCF Members are welcome!
Entry is limited to the first 20 players. Please register early!
Registration begins at 8:30 am, Round 1 starts at 9:00 am.
Entry Fee: $0.00 (Free)
Sections: Open
Rounds: 3
Time Control: G/60;i30
Pairings: If player count is greater than 12, accelerated pairings may be used, depending on the rating distribution of participants.
USCF Membership Required (We can help you sign up on-site).
Overall Place Prizes:
1st - $25 Panera Bread Gift Certificate + Gold Medal
2nd - Silver Medal
3rd - Bronze Medal
U1300 Class Prizes:
1st - $25 Panera Bread Gift Certificate + Gold Medal
2nd - Silver Medal
3rd - Bronze Medal
Panera Bread
2622 Johnston St.
Lafayette, LA 70503
Contact: Stewart Krielow ( or Jude Coomer ( with questions.
If unable to attend after registering, please withdraw on King Registration and email Stewart ASAP to make room for other players.