Location: Hyatt Regency Schaumburg, 1800 E. Golf Rd., Schaumburg, IL 60173, 847-605-1234
Sections: Master/Expert, A, B, C, D, E, U1000, U800. For $20 play-up fee, players may play up one class. Players rated 800-999 may play up to Class E at no additional charge. U800 players rated 600 or higher may play up to U1000 for no additional charge. November rating supplement determines section eligibility.
One half-point bye OK any round, must commit by end of round 2.
Entry Fee:
$5 discount for ICA members (annual dues $15 regular, $10 scholastic)— join at www.il-chess.org.
Free entry if registered by 11/8 for Illinois GMs, WGMs, IMs, WIMs, FMs, WFMs. The registration form will automatically recognize the free entry.
Mail checks postmarked by 11/15/19 to Chess Weekend, 21694 Doud Ct., Frankfort, IL 60423. No phone entries.
Boards, sets, and clocks provided by The Illinois Chess Association. All special rules, details, and tournament conditions subject to change without notice; changes will be posted ASAP at the site & online. INFO: glenn@chessweekend.com.