2nd Annual Chess for Cure
(recognizing top woman player in each section)

By Discovery Chess Learning Academy
Regional FIDE Chess Championship
Open and U2000 sections FIDE Rated
June 21 - 22, 2025
Hilton Inn Express Akron NW - Fairlawn
3150 W Market St, Akron, OH 44333
Hotel Rate: $139 per night
$10,000 in prizes based on 190 paid entries
Proceeds directly support Gynecologic Oncology, research, treatment, and initiatives of the Comprehensive Program at the Cleveland Clinic.
Prizes (based on 190):
- Open (FIDE rated): $1,600 (Plaque) - 1000 - 800 - 400; U2200: $400 - $200; Top Woman: $600 and plaque
- Under 2000 (FIDE rated): $1000 - 600 - 400 - 300; U1600: $300; Top Woman: $400
- Under 1400: $600 - 400 - 200; Top U1200: $200; Top Woman: $200
- Under 1000 (Sat only): $200 - 100 - 50; Top Girl: $50; Trophy to top 5, top U800, top unrated
Format/Time Control:
- Open, Under 2000, Under 1400: 5 rounds (Round 1 G/60;d5; Rounds 2-5 G/90;+30); Round 1 is not FIDE rated in Open and U2000
- Under 1000: Saturday only - 5 rounds G/30;d5
Rounds Times:
- Open, Under 2000, Under 1400: Saturday 10:00 a.m. (G/60;d5), Saturday 1:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m.
- Under 1000: Saturday 10:00 a.m., subsequent rounds ASAP.
Entry Fee:
- Open: $110 by 5/25, $125 by 6/19, $15 after or on-site. Minimum rating 1900 to play up into Open section.
- Under 2000: $110 by 5/25, $125 by 6/19, $15 after or on-site. Minimum rating 1300 to play up into U2000 section.
- Under 1400: $110 by 5/25, $125 by 6/19, $15 after or on-site.
- Under 1000: $40 by 5/25, $50 by 6/19, $60 after or on-site.
- Re-entry $80 in U2000 & U1400 only.
Byes: 2-half point byes allowed in all sections
Default time is 1 hour.
Chess For a Cure Purple and White Gala Event
Friday June 20 at the Holiday Inn Express Akron NW - Fairlawn
Details to be announced
Organized by the Discovery Chess Learning Academy
Contact: Kala Bagley, 330-475-2964, or Anant Adury 330- 208 -7350