Empire Chess April Scholastic G/30
Saturday, April 19th, 2025
933 Bradbury Dr. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106
- 4 Round Swiss; G/30d5, $20 Entry Fee by 11:59pm on 4/18/25
- $25 Entry Fee after 11:59pm on 4/18/25
- Four sections: High School (9th-12th), Middle School(6th-8th) , Elementary School(K-5th and K-2nd)
- All sections are USCF Rated
- Accelerated pairings may be used if more than 24 players register in a section
- High School: Medals will be awarded for top 3 finishers
- Middle School: Medals will be awarded for top 3 finishers
- Elementary (K-5): Medals will be awarded for top 3 finishers
- Elementary (K-2): Medals will be awarded for top 3 finishers
- Round 1: 10am
- Round 2: 11:15am
- Round 3: 1pm
- Round 4: 2:15pm
- On-site Registration from 9am-9:30am, Saturday, April 19th
- USCF Membership required for all sections. To get a USCF membership, go to https:new.uschess.org/join-us-chess or contact chess.coach.steve@gmail.com for help
- Online Registration is open until 9am on Saturday, April 19th
- On-site Registration closes 30 minutes prior to Round 1. Players registering after this time or registering without a valid USCF ID may receive a zero-point bye for Round 1.
Special Notes:
Byes: Up to 2 optional half-point byes may be requested BEFORE round 1. All byes requested during the event are zero points.
Spectators: No spectators are allowed in playing areas when the games have begun for the day. A designated spectator area will be available.
Electronic Devices: Electronic devices are not allowed on any player’s person during their matches. Failure to follow this rule will result in forfeiture of your match.