Location: LaVista Conference Center at the I-80 (126th & Harrison Exit) at 12520 Westport Parkway, LaVista, NE 68128 Two hotels share the Conference Center: Embassy Suites and Marriot Courtyard To reserve a room at a discounted rate call (402) 339-4900. Mention the chess tournament.
4 Rnd Swiss Round 1-2 G/70 d5, Round 3-4 G/85 d5
A Nebraska Hall of Fame and POY Event.
EF $55.00 if by 8/1/2024, $70.00 on site.
Registration 8:00-8:45
Round 1: 9:00 AM, Round 2:12:30 PM, Round 3: 3:45 PM Round 4: 7 PM
Grand Prix Points 15
Wilkins Cup to Winner
Prizes $2,000/b50 with $1,000 Guaranteed
1st $700/50 $350 Guaranteed
2nd $500/50 $250 Guaranteed
3rd $300.00/50 $150 Guaranteed
Class B and C $260.00/50 $130 Guaranteed
Class D/E/Below/UNR $240.00/50 $120 Guaranteed
Handicapped Accessible
No Electronic Scorekeeping Devices
Hotel has a strict outside food and drink policy.
Accelerated pairings may be used if entries exceed 40
Entries to Bruce Draney gambiteer49@yahoo.com or call (402) 312 6335 for more information.
This event is being co-sponsored by Craig Wilkins, the Lincoln Chess Foundation and the Omaha Chess Community.