Hall of Fame 50th Anniversary Celebration of the 1975 U.S. Open

A Nebraska Player of the Year Event

Enhanced Grand Prix 150 Points

Graduate Hotel 

141 N 9th ST

Lincoln NE 68508

Saturday May 31st-Sunday June 1st, 2025

5 Round Swiss System

Registration:  Saturday May 31st- 8:00-8:45 AM

Talk and Greeting 9:00-9:30 AM 

Saturday Rounds at 9:30, 1:00 and 4:30

Round 1 and 2 TC G/75+15, Round 3 TC G/90+30

Sunday June 1st

9:30 AM-Special Memories of the 1975 U.S. Open

Sunday Rounds at 10:45 and 3:30 

Rounds 4-5 TC:  G/90+30

PRIZE FUND $10,000.00 Guaranteed

1st Place $3,000.00

2nd Place $2,000.00

3rd Place $1,000.00

1st A-$700.00

2nd A-$350.00

1st B-600.00

2nd B-$300.00

1st C-$500.00

2nd C-$250.00

1st D & Below: $400.00

2nd D & Below-$150.00

Top Under Age 14-$250.00

Best Game in Tournament-$250.00

Best Endgame in the Tournament-$250.00


For hotel rates call the Graduate directly at 402-475-4011 and mention the chess tournament.

Entry Fee:

$95.00 before 11:59 PM on Thursday May 29th or $120.00 late or on site.  

Free Entry to all GM/IM/FMs

For more information contact Bruce Draney at gambiteer49@yahoo.com

$400.00 stipend and transportation from OMA or LNK airports to first three GM Registrations and $250.00 stipends to first 3 IMs.  

This event commemorates the 50th anniversary of the 1975 U.S. Open which was held at this very hotel in Lincoln, Nebraska


Wheel Chair Accessible

No Electronic Scorekeeping devices

TLA will appear in the April and May issues of Chess Life.