Please see all the necessary information below, including the "Terms and Conditions," which explain:

  • How to withdraw and receive refunds
  • How to update and change your registration information. 
  • Do not email us to provide this information. Use the methods described below

When registering, please include your full address. Prizes may be delayed because the address does not include the apartment or unit number. Without this, mailed prizes are typically returned to us.


2025 US Senior Open Championship

$13,000 Guaranteed


Open to players age 50 and older as of July 25, 2025

Playing Site and Room Bookings:

Northbrook Hilton, 2855 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Northbrook, Illinois 60062

  • $145 rate per night for 1-4 people
  • Includes breakfast ($22 value) for 1-4 people
  • Indoor pool with adults only times
  • Exercise center
  • Phone: (847) 480-7500
  • Arrange room sharing:

Format and Sections:

* 6-Round Swiss System with 2 Sections, Open and Reserve (U1800)

* Time Control: G/90+30

* The Open Section is FIDE rated and uses FIDE rules. 

* The Reserve section is US Chess rated only and does not use FIDE rules. 

Round times: 

* Friday 7/25 1:00, 6:00

* Saturday 7/26, 9:00, 2:30

* Sunday 7/27, 8:30, 2:00  

Sunday's early round times allow for those taking flights.


Byes: Two half-point byes available for any round must commit before the end of round 2

Equipment: Boards, sets, scoresheets and clocks provided by Caveman Chess, LLC.



* Prize Fund: $13,000 Guaranteed, including $2,000 for Women


  * Prizes: 2000-1500-1000-500; U2400 500-200; U2200 400-200; U2000 400-200; U1800 400-200

  * Plaque to the top player in each age category: 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75+

  * Top Woman 500-400-300

  * Players may win both a cash award and an age award.

  * Winner receives Invitation to the US Senior Championship (TB if needed).

  * Top Woman receives invitation to US Senior Women’s Championship (TB if needed).   


Reserve (U1800):

  * Prizes: 500-400-300; U1600 400-200; U1400 400-200; U1200 400-200; U1000 400-200

  * Plaque to the top player in each age category: 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75+

  * Top Woman: 400-250-150    


Entry Fee - Online Only - Do not request discounts after cut-offs.

  • $99 through April 27
  • $130 through June 1
  • $160 through July 20
  • $190 through July 25
  • +$30 for playing up
  • $60 for round 2 re-entry with a 1/2 point bye for round one

Onsite entries will be done online at the site. Players registering late will possibly receive an automatic ½ bye in round one. 


* FIDE Laws of Chess: 2023 FIDE Laws of Chess

* Summary FIDE Laws of Chess and US Chess Federation rules differences:  Summary of FIDE-US Chess rules differences 2023



Side Events

  • Junior Open Blitz (7/26, $1k)
  • Senior/Medior/Beginner Quick (7/26 $1k)

 Other Events

  • US Blind Championship ($5K)
  • US Junior Open ($10k)
  • Caveman Medior Open ($10K)
  • Caveman Beginner Open 1 (7/26)
  • Caveman Beginner Open 2 (7/27)
  • Preceded by the Caveman Chess Camp

Summary of Key Terms and Conditions

This is a summary of essential Terms and Conditions. To see all Terms and Conditions, including our rules on distributing cash prizes electronically, go to, go to

Withdrawals: To withdraw from an event, go to and fill out the form. Emails will be ignored.

Refunds: Go to the Terms and Conditions link above for the entire policy. Here are important points:

  • Processing refunds is secondary to running the event without a hitch
  • While we attempt to pay refunds sooner, our policy is to pay within ten business days following the event.
  • In our standard refund policy, refunds incur a fee as follows:
    • For registrations $20 and below, a $5 fee
    • For registrations from $20.01 to $60, a $10 fee
    • For registrations above $60, a $15 fee

Registration Corrections and Changes: Please verify the information before submitting the registration. For example, some browsers with persistent "autofill" tools often overwrite a participant's name with the name of the person completing the registration.

  1. To make a change/correction, do not email. Go to, to process changes.
  2. There is a $5 fee for each (set of) changes. 

 Prizes: It is important to see all of our terms and conditions for prize payment at Terms and Conditions for Prizes. Key rules include:

  • Prizes are paid within 15 business days of the later of the end of the event or the receipt of a W9 [or W-8 if applicable] if one is required (cumulative prizes for the year from Caveman Chess to you are over $600.)
  • Prize winners need to provide appropriate information to receive their prizes electronically via our online form.

Photographs/Video: By registering, you agree to allow photographs and video of your image to be posted on our websites or related social media. Titled players and players at least age 13 agree to the use of their full name on our websites or social media along with images. Players under the age of 13 must be registered by their parents or guardians who agree that their names can be used in tournament standings or other listings, their first names may be used in general photos or videos, and their full names may be used in prize photos or videos.

Participants or their legal representatives agree to these terms by registering the player.