General Information for Open/U1400
Manhattan Public Library Auditorium
First 30 people total to sign up
4 Round Swiss
We will have an Open and U1400 section, however we reserve the right to combine sections if there are too few in a section.
USCF dual rated
USCF required, KCA not required
no entry fee
Unrated section
There will also be an unrated section for anyone wanting to play who does not have USCF. Games will not be rated and do not count to the 30 person limit. To register, please email TD or sign up day of.
Please bring your own chess set and clock
Check in starts at 9:30am for those not registered.
Round 1 - 10:00
Lunch - 11:30
Round 2 - 12:30
Round 3 - 2:00
Round 4 - 3:30
Contact Info
TD: Eric Mullins
sponsored by MHK Chess Club
email questions to