SWLA Regional Scholastic Tournament


 This is an open USCF rated scholastic chess tournament for all students in and around the SWLA area.

 *Students K-8 and up must bring their own USCF regulated chess clocks.

Also, bring bag lunches.

Date: Saturday, April 15th, 2025

Format: Four round swiss format, G/25;d5 tournament. Five sections: K-2; K-4; K-6; K-8, K-12

Venue:  The Henning Cultural Center in Sulphur, LA.

923 Ruth St, Sulphur, LA 70663-4539


Prizes: Individual trophies and medals in each section.

Registration: 8:45AM-9:15AM. Anyone not registered by 9:15AM will be given a first round bye

Check in: Check in is not necessary if your name is on the entry list of the King Registration page and there are no problems listed

Round times: 10AM, 11:15AM, 12:30PM, and 1:45PM

(Times may change)


USCF requirement: Current USCF membership required, join here. If your membership does not have an expiration date, it is not yet current.

Contact: email DoYouChess@outlook.com

Byes: One half-point bye available upon request. All byes must be requested before round 3, with exceptions made for emergency situations. All bye requests final after beginning of round 1.

Late arrivals: Games are forfeited 30 minutes after the round start time if a player has not arrived.

Refunds: No refunds available


This is a LA Chess Association and Casa De Ajedrez, L3C event.

