WHEN: Saturday, March 28, 2020, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. CENTRAL TIME
you will need to get a TOP-SECRET password from us
HOW DO I REGISTER? Click the green "Register" button above. Be sure to enter your lichess ID in the "Request Referral" field
WHAT: A game in 15 minutes tournament, with an additional 10 seconds per move
Did you know that US Chess is establishing a separate rating system for online events? This online rating will not affect your "real" ratings - it's a separate system.
Would you like to play in a FREE US Chess-rated event this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m? The event is the Chicago Chess Center's Angelo Sandrin Open. Each player has 15 minutes for the game PLUS an extra 10 seconds per move.
STEP 1) YOU MUST HAVE AN ACCOUNT ON lichess.org—register here—everything on lichess is free!
You will need to establish an account on lichess.org. We recommend that you spend at least 15 minutes playing on lichess to familiarize yourself with the platform.
You will need to send us your email address and lichess handle in the "Request Referral" field
US Chess ID
10152763 (William H. Brock)
referral (name or email) - this is where you enter your lichess "handle"
you can see the activity for lichess user "billbrock" here
STEP 3 ) We will then email you the TOP-SECRET password to enter the event!
This seems a little silly, I know, but if we didn't take this extra step, we wouldn't be able to match players with their handles on lichess and rate the event for US Chess. Don't worry, the US Chess online rating is NEW and completely separate from other rating systems.
Chess is a game between two players. No engines, databases, books, or outside help of any kind. But you already knew that :-)
As the pairings will be made by the lichess server, they will not follow US Chess Swiss pairing system rules.
As soon as you are finished, you will be paired for the next game. Some players will play more games than others! Don't worry too much about that: this is a fun tournament and we want you to concentrate on making good moves.
If you are not present at the board and you have not pressed "pause", you may lose a game due to forfeit after not moving for thirty seconds. Don't worry! We will do our best to make sure these games are not rated for US Chess online rating purposes.
Mouseslips happen.
We are limited in our ability to police the integrity of the game, but both lichess and Chicago Chess Center take cheating seriously. DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT.
Computers and computer-assisted players are not allowed to play. Please do not get assistance from chess engines, databases, or from other players while playing. Also note that making multiple accounts is strongly discouraged and excessive multi-accounting will lead to being banned.By registering, you agree to be bound by our Terms of Service.
From the lichess.org page for this tournament
This is a private tournament
Share this URL to let people join: https://lichess.org/tournament/O75IToOO
You will be notified when the tournament starts, so it is safe to play in another tab while waiting.
[Bill Brock's note—players in this event do need to register with us, as it's being US Chess online rated.]
Is it rated?
This tournament is rated and will affect your rating.
[Bill Brock's note—lichess is talking about your lichess online rating, which is separate from your US Chess online rating!]
How are scores calculated?
A win has a base score of 2 points, a draw 1 point, and a loss is worth no points.
If you win two games consecutively you will start a double point streak, represented by a flame icon.
The following games will continue to be worth double points until you fail to win a game.
That is, a win will be worth 4 points, a draw 2 points, and a loss will still not award any points.
For example, two wins followed by a draw will be worth 6 points: 2 + 2 + (2 x 1)
[Bill Brock's note—this is a FUN practice tournament: my advice is to win your games and not worry about winning them quickly!]
Arena Berserk
[Bill Brock's note—we are not using beserk]
How is the winner decided?
The player(s) with the most points at the conclusion of the tournament's set time limit will be announced winner(s).
When two or more players have the same number of points, the tournament performance is the tie break.
[Bill Brock's note—of course, US Chess does not use double points!]
How does the pairing work?
At the beginning of the tournament, players are paired based on their rating.
As soon as you finish a game, return to the tournament lobby: you will then be paired with a player close to your ranking. This ensures minimum wait time, however you may not face all other players in the tournament.
Play fast and return to the lobby to play more games and win more points.
How does it end?
The tournament has a countdown clock. When it reaches zero, the tournament rankings are frozen, and the winner is announced. Games in progress must be finished, however they don't count for the tournament.
Other important rules.
There is a countdown for your first move. Failing to make a move within this time will forfeit the game to your opponent.
Drawing the game within the first 10 moves will earn neither player any points.
Problems? Bill Brock is available by Zoom from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. tomorrow
Time: Mar 28, 2020 09:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
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