March Scholastic Swiss
Sunday March 30th
Location Growth Chess Center 974 West Main Street, Sun Prairie, WI 53590
Scholastic Tournament (US Chess Membership Required)
2 Sections: Both sections include 4 games of G/25 d5
K-8 U700
K-12 Open
Schedule: 1:00pm-5:00pm
Round 1: 1:00pm
Rounds 2-4 will be on a rolling schedule. As the last game in the section finishes, we will pair for the next round to start 10 minutes after.
Tournament will end by 5:00pm, but may be earlier.  
Time Control K-8 U700 & K-12 Open: G/25
All sections 5 second delay
Awards Top 5 Individual & Top Team in each section
Entry Fee  $25 by 3/16, by 3/28 $30, $35 after
Entries capped at 40 players.
On-site registration: 12:15pm-12:45pm
Byes Limit one half-point bye. Additional byes are OK but are zero points. Final round byes are zero points unless requested before the first round. 
Supervision Players in K-8th grade MUST have adult supervision at all times.
Questions? Email us at
Refund Policy: If you register for the tournament and are unable to make it, please notify us at least 24 hours in advance of the start of round one. If this is done, then Growth Chess will refund your entry fee less $5 for admin fees.