Loretto Academy Scholastic Chess Championships
Date: Saturday, March 29, 2025
Format: GAME CONTROL TIMES G20;d0 4 Round Swiss for Novice (40 min per round no eliminations play all rounds)
G30:d0 5 Round Swiss Championship Sections (1 hour per round no elimination play all rounds)
Sections: K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th- 8th, 9th-12th Non-US CHESS MEMBERS NOVICE
K-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th US CHESS MEMBERS CHAMPIONSHIP
Open to all players from surrounding area including New Mexico and Juarez, Mexico and all US CHESS Scholastic Members.
Prizes: Individual Medals for Non-US Chess Members SectionS 1st -5th place
Individual Trophy for US Chess Members Championship Section s1st-5th Place.
Team Trophy for Top 3 Teams in Championship and Top 2 in Novice sections (Please see team info at Bottom)
US Chess Memberships: Membership is required in all championship sections. Obtain this BEFORE registering for the tournament. It must be paid for and valid (non-expired) for the month of MARCH 2025. Tournament Directors will verify the membership on the USChess website. Purchase or renew a USChess membership online at www.uschess.org. Please do NOT select the option to “Pay Later” since that will not give you a valid expiration date. Membership fees are $24 per year for players under age 19. ($66 For Family Plan.)
Scholastic Regulation for US Chess members
Algebraic Notation: Required for all players in the US Chess Rated Championship sections. Notation sheets must be signed and completely filled out by players. Yellow copy is players copy, white sheet is turned into TD. Both players must sign.
Round Time:
First round starts at 10am. No eliminations. The next rounds will start immediately following.
Tournament Registration, Fees, and player check-in:
Please use the online registration on http://Loretto.org or on Kings Registration.com
Early Entry Discount $10 before 10 pm on 3/27/25 for all NOVICE sections. $20 before 10pm on 3/27/25
$15 US Chess CHAMPIONSHIP BEFORE 10PM ON 3/27/25 FOR ALL NOVICE SECTIONS. $15 BEFORE 10PM ON 3/27/25 Please register online as early as possible. (Early entries help ensure a smooth event.) No refunds. No player substitutions allowed. Available on first come first served basis based upon availability of seating. Scholastics only.
No online entries accepted after 10 pm MOUNTAIN TIME on 3/27/25.
Late On-site Entry $15 for non us chess member NOVICE sections and $20 US CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP SECTION cash only.
On-site Registration will be offered ONLY if there is room left: from 8:45am - 9:30 AM in cafeteria. All on-site Registrants will receive a first-round half-point bye. This means they will not play in the first round and they will start playing in round 2. This will help us start the event on time.
Player check-in from 9am to 930am in person. If players are not marked present in the non US Chess NOVICE player section they will be removed from the tournament and they forfeit registration fee.
Equipment: Limited number of sets will be provided for tournament. Scoresheets for US chess member section are provided. Yellow score sheets are players copy and white must be filled out and signed by both players and submitted to TD. They become property of affiliate. Players should bring pencils or pens to take notation. Please bring a digital chess clock if you have one. (LABEL it with your name!) Limited clocks provided for use to only US Chess event. Clocks and boards for sale.
Online Registration: School Website and Kings Registration. In-person registration is available based on availability.
Lunch: Loretto will also be providing concessions. Rolling schedule no lunch break.
On Reynolds Street.
A scholastic team will consist of students who attend the same school and play in the same section. The team score will be determined at the conclusion of the tournament to include the top four scores from that team. A school must have a minimum of 4 players in the same section in order to compete for a team award. A team may have any number of members, but only the top four scorers will count toward team competition.
Homeschool students may play as a team if they are members of (1) the same nuclear family or (2) a support group or co-op that provides academic learning (not just chess). Homeschool students who want to play as a team must contact Renate Garcia in advance of the tournament to get a team code (if their organization meets the TCA definition of a homeschool team). Homeschooled student may not play for a public school.
Trophies for all sections awarded to top 3 schools in championship section and top 2 in Novice.
Team rosters: may be submitted to Organizer at the following email crusaderchessclubelp@gmail.com as soon as possible with the following information attached. Team Rosters will NOT be allowed on day of event! Name of Player, US CHESS MEMBER ID and Expiration, Section, Grade, School/ Team, Name of Coach and School, Coach Contact Info. Payment Voucher information or check are accepted by THURSDAY, MARCH 27 in person and may be turned into Loretto Contact see address below unless otherwise confirmed with Event organizer. Each player on team must sign, fill out and return a signed Publishing Consent form. Coach is responsible for forwarding this form to their players and to ensure it is received to organizer at the same time as payment. SEE BELOW.
Affiliate: Crusader Chess Club of EL Paso TX
Event/ Tournament Organizer: Renate Garcia
Chief TD- Local TD Michelle Hickman
Contact Info: 915.256.7783 crusaderchessclubelp@gmail.com
Loretto Contact: Norma Lopez, Elementary Principal: nlopez@loretto.org
Loretto Elementary School
4625 Clifton
El Paso, TX 79903
(915) 566-8400 ext 1501
This form must be filled out for each player. Coaches please ensure that this form gets to your players. Failure to complete form may result in removal from the event.
I, ______________________ as the Parent or Legal Guardian of a minor or minors, provide my consent to Crusader Chess Club of El Paso to publish photos (with possible identifying captions) or videos taken during, or articles written about, this event which may include the name of, or other identifying information about, your child/children such as their name or team and school. This properly promotes their wins and to showcase their talents on the board. We believe in promoting chess and the love of the game! https://www.facebook.com/crusaderchessclubelp
Disclaimer: Not providing consent does not revoke or remove the possibility that your child’s/children’s name and Chess rating may appear on Tournament Results or Top Players Lists published through any of the methods described below.
Child name(s): _____________________________________________________
School /Team:______________________________________________________
My consent is provided for the following publishing methods:
Any consent agreed to for this event will not extend past this event, and a similar form may need to be completed for any future events.
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature ___________________________________ Date ______________
Tournament Regulations
What is the spectator policy?
Effective immediately, the playing halls at scholastic events organized by Crusader Chess will be open to the following people while games are in progress:
What does this mean?
Parents, coaches and other attendees who do not fall into the four above categories must leave the playing hall before the tournament director in charge of the playing hall will begin play. Once a player in that room has reported a result, that player must leave the room for the remainder of that round. Parents and coaches should instruct their players who have completed games not to go back into the playing hall, even to check on teammates’ or friends’ still-active games.
Penalties for violating this policy are at the discretion of the chief tournament director.
What can I do to ensure my child finds me after a game?
The hallways in front of main playing areas must permit foot traffic to flow through them. We recommend designating one person from the team to gather the kids and send the players to wait in the skittles area. Groups cannot set up seating areas in those hallways. Crusader Chess has maximized available space for parents and coaches who choose to wait there.
21. Spectators may be not allowed in the tournament room up to the TD discretion. No talking to players is allowed.
TD/organizer reserves right to withdraw you from tournament due to conduct and unsportsmanlike like behavior. Please be respectful to players, parents, coaches, TDs and staff or you will be removed from the property. We will follow the tournament life announcement as posted in US chess.
In case of a question go to Tournament Chess Control or speak to Crusader Chess.
915.256.7783 crusaderchessclubelp@gmail.com
We encourage you to become familiar with the guidelines issued by US Chess https://new.uschess.org/sites/default/files/media/documents/us-chess-safe-play-guidelines.pdf