The Premiere Chess Rock Band
brings you a FULL ALBUM
packed with SOUND and STRATEGY.
Celebrate with Us!
Album Release CHESS RIOT!
November 4, 2023
Hampton History Museum
11:00 am - 5:00 pm
120 Old Hampton Lane, Hampton, VA
Mixed format casual tournament / concert!
NO RATED PLAY, but come rock out in a new type of
competitive all ages environment!
Dimmed lights, continuous tunes, and performances
by Benjamin Blundercheck and the Poisoned Pawn!
Tournament Format (players play ALL rounds):
2 games of 5 minute blitz (G/5; d0)
1 game with 15 minute time control (G/15; d0)
1 round of MUSICAL CHESS OR Armageddon Round
1 more round of MUSICAL CHESS OR Armageddon Round
1 game with 10 minute time control (G/10; d0)
1 game with 25 minute time control (G/25; d0)
Entry Fee: $15
OPEN Section (Guitars) competes for cash prizes:
1st place: $50
2nd place: $30
Amateur Section (Synths) competes for free albums
to 1st 2nd and 3rd place winners.
2 byes available for games 1 - 3 (1/2 point each)
MUSICAL CHESS - Rules will be given to registrants
ahead of the event. This will be an elimination event
based on musical chairs. For those who are not able to
participate, they can play in the Armageddon Round,
which will also be explained to registrants. The surviving
top 1/4 of the players will receive tournament points!
Live entertainment between rounds.
During rounds, music will be streamed to keep
energy levels up for this fun event!
Get video, and all the info about the band, the album, and
previous chess riots at: