Captain Vigil’s Chess Festival At Sea

January 10-17 2026

Chess Tournament aboard the Norwegian Encore Leaving and Returning from Miami Beach

FIDE rated Six-Round Swiss System

G/90+30 increment 



Sea Day Jan 11:  9:30 am, 2:30pm

Sea Day Jan 14  9:30 am & 2:30 pm

Sea Day Jan 16 9:30 am, 2:30 pm


1st Place $200; U2000 $100; U1600 $100


Pop Up US Chess rated Side Events depending on Players interests

Say you and 3 of your best chess buddies want a rated quad?  We will do it.

10 people want a midnight blitz?  We are there for you!



Online at under Hawkeye Chess Club

Entry Fee:  Free! with booking a cruise via Jamie Truzman 954-514-4428 with NCL (Norwegian Cruise Line)

Link below for information

Get Up to 15% off the price of the cruise by booking with us.

If you Book your cruise separately and wish to participate you will be charged a $400 entry fee.

Additional information:  Byes:  Unlimited byes 1/2-point bye per player.  Last round bye must be requested prior to the start of the 1st round to receive a 1/2-point.  USCF: ratings used for pairing rank and prizes. FIDE: Swiss pairing rules and floor rulings.  USCF January supplement used for ratings. FIDE rule 11.3 is enforced with regard to electronic devices. Players must turn in a scoresheet for every game.  NO ELECTRONIC SCORESHEETS  Bring Boards and clocks.  Contact: Eric Vigil by phone at (319) 621-3116 or