Silver State Chess Association

2025 Southern Nevada State Seniors Championship
April 11-13, 2025
Southern Nevada Chess Club
6284 Spring Mountain Road

Las Vegas NV 89146

Swiss 5 Rounds Game/90+30




Note: Players must be age 50+ prior to July 28, 2025.

Players must reside in Nevada in one of the following counties and have their eligible address on file with USCF:

Northern Nevada residents should register for the Northern Nevada State Seniors Championship in a separate tournament.


Schedule: Three-day (all rounds G/90+30)
Round 1: Friday April 11 @ 6:00pm
Round 2: Saturday April 12 @ 1:00pm
Round 3: Saturday April 12 @ 6:00pm
Round 4: Sunday April 13 @ 10:30am
Round 5: Sunday April 13 @ 3:30pm


Schedule: Two-day (Rounds 1 and 2 G/30+5)
Round 1: Saturday April 12 @ 1:00pm
Round 2: Saturday April 12 @ 2:30pm
Merge with three-day after Round 2

Top three winners advance to the State Championship to compete against top three winners from Northern NV in a proctored online tournament to be held at SNVCC on May 16-18.


$1000.00 with 20 paid players:
Top Prize:  $500 + Trophy
Second:    $350 + Trophy
Third: $150 + Trophy
Top U1900: Trophy + free entry to any SNVCC Thursday Series in 2025
Top U1600: Trophy + free entry to any SNVCC Thursday Series in 2025
Top U1200: Trophy

Above cash prizes adjusted proportionally for more or fewer players.


The top three scorers will compete online from SNVCC on May 16-18 against the top three scorers from the Northern Nevada Seniors Championship. Those players will be in one location in the Reno area. Certified TD’s will oversee all aspects of the tournament.


Note: Cash prizes will be awarded following the completion of the Nevada State Seniors Championship on May 18th. To receive a cash prize in the Southern NV Championship, players must play in the Nevada State Seniors Championship. If a player is unable or unwilling to play in the online Nevada State Seniors Championship, entry and cash prize will be offered to the next highest scoring player.


The winner of the Nevada State Seniors Championship will represent Nevada in the John T. Irwin Tournament of Senior State Champions on July 28-31 in Middleton, WI. Silver State Chess will provide a travel stipend of $650 upon completion of the Irwin with no forfeited games.




Maximum number of entries: 40. Registration not confirmed until payment received.
Waitlist will start if/when max entries received.
Entry fee
: $99 by April 4th, $115 later. 
Refunds: may be requested prior to start of Round 1. $15 withheld for processing fees
Entrants may register in person and pay with cash or check at the Southern Nevada Chess Club on Thursday and Friday evenings 6-9pm before April 10 @ 8:00pm.


Pizza lunch included on Saturday @ 12:30pm.


Maximum two half-point byes available.
Byes for R4 and R5 must be requested before Round 3 and are irrevocable



US Chess Membership is required.
Please join or renew the player’s membership at before registering for the tournament.

