Hampton Roads Chess Association
Nauticus / Battleship Wisconsin


Battle on the BB-64
A scholastic chess tournament on the ship!

Norfolk, Virginia

April 19, 2025



Hampton Roads Chess Association and Nauticus / Battleship Wisconsin join forces to present the second annual scholastic chess tournament to be held on board the Battleship Wisconsin (BB-64) docked at Nauticus on the Norfolk Waterfront!  Games will be played in the Crew Mess, where sailors from WWII to Operation Desert Storm dined while underway!  


This year's event is featured event  #2 for HRCA's 2024-2025 grant to expand chess in the City of Norfolk!  We have a goal of hosting THREE tournaments in the City of Norfolk by September 2025.   Come grow chess with us! 


There is a LOT of information to share for this event, and most questions can be answered below.   Please read thoroughly! 

This is an HRCA Scholastic Cup Event!
HRCA membership is not required for the tournament but IS required to participate in the Scholastic Cup awards.  
New Memberships must be purchased within one week of event conclusion for points to qualify.   
For more information visit https://hrchessclub.org/scholastic-cup/



  • 9:15-10:00 AM - Recommended time to arrive for parking and walking to the venue.  Check-in table to pick up pre-ordered wristbands on the deck outside the main entry to the Nauticus will be open by 9:30AM. 

  • 10:00 AM - Doors open

  • 11:00 AM -- Round 1
  • 12:15 PM -- Round 2
  •   1:30 PM -- Round 3
  •   2:45 PM -- Round 4
  •   3:45 PM -- Awards in the Brock Theater
  •   4:45 PM -- Photos on the fantail
  •   5:00 PM -- Everyone must be off the ship / Nauticus closes


This event is for youth only -- must be in Pre-K through 12th grade in any schooling format - public, private, virtual, or homeschooled.  

Players under age 14 require an adult to be onsite for the duration of the event -- All guests must have a Nauticus day pass (see below).   We have a special group rate through April 15th.  After that, you may purchase regular admission or utilize any discount programs directly with the front desk.  



US Chess membership is required for Open and Novice -- these are rated sections. 

US Chess membership is NOT required for Rookie sections. 

HRCA membership is only required if you want your points counted for the HRCA Scholastic Cup. 



A Swiss System (like a bracket system -- NOT an elimination event!) tournament of four rounds.  Time control is G/25; d3, meaning each side has 25 minutes to complete all their moves, and the clock will not start counting down for the first 3 seconds of each move. Select a bye during registration ONLY if you know you will be missing a round due to a conflict with another event.  One half-point bye allowed if requested prior to the start of Round 3. 

Boards, sets, and clocks are provided.  Notation is NOT required in any section due to Quick time control, but notation sheets and pencils will be provided if desired.

Section choices are:

  • K-3 Rookie:  Grades Pre-K through 3rd with little to no tournament experience.  No rated players allowed.  US Chess membership is not required.
  • K-5 Rookie:  For youth in 4th or 5th grade with little to no tournament experience.  No rated players allowed.  US Chess membership is not required.

  • K-12 Rookie:  For youth in grades 6th-12th with little to no tournament experience.  No rated players allowed.  US Chess membership is not required.

  • Novice (U500):  Youth in grades PK-12th who are US Chess members with a Regular over-the-board (OTB) rating Under 500.  The February supplement will be used.  Unrated players are allowed in the Novice section and are eligible for place prizes or Top Unrated prizes only.

  • Open:  Youth in grades PK-12th who are US Chess members -- unrated or of any rating -- but designed for players rated over 500.  Playing up is allowed.  Unrated players are allowed in the Open section and are eligible for place prizes or Top Unrated prizes only.  



  • Individual: 
    • TROPHIES to the Top 5 finishers in each section.  Trophy to Top U700 in Open.  Trophies to Top U300 and Top Unrated in Novice.  Trophy to Top K-1 in K-3 Rookie.  Medals to additional players with at least 2 points.  Participation ribbons to all remaining players.  

  • Team:  A team is comprised of two or more players from the same school, with the top four scores counting toward the team score.  Team awards for this tournament include: 
    • Top 3 Elementary Rookie teams (K-3/K-5 Rookie combined + any 6th grader in K-12 Rookie attending a K-6 only school);
    • Top 3 Middle School Rookie teams (K-12 Rookies attending schools with 6th-8th grades);
    • Top 3 Novice teams 
    • Top 3 Open teams

  • There are currently no High School awards planned due to lack of high schools participating in scholastic tournaments.  If your high school plans to bring a team, your players must register no later than April 5th to add high school team trophies.


$35 Early Entry Fee through 11:59 PM on Saturday, April 5th. 

$40 Standard Entry Fee through 11:59 PM Saturday, April 12th

$45 Late Entry Fee thereafter  



Scholarship participants approved for discounts and Title I schools who need entry fee assistance MUST contact Tina in advance to register.   Please note that entry fees are required to participate and are NOT tax-deductible.



If you need to withdraw, please contact the Event Organizer.   There are absolutely NO refunds after tournament begins.   Refunds will be given as a tournament credit ONLY for local players.    Eligible withdrawals will receive a $30 credit towards a future HRCA tournament, regardless of the entry fee amount paid.  This is early entry less a $5 administrative fee. The credit will be valid for 1 year.  Refunds can be issued for out-of-area players who are unlikely to play in another HRCA event within the next year, minus a $5 administrative fee.    Nauticus guest tickets must be purchased separately and are NOT refundable. 


**Please check the ENTRY LIST before registering to make sure you do not register multiple times.   Duplicate entries are subject to an administrative refund fee of $5 for this event.     

 Tournament Orientation for New Players:

There will be no New Player Orientation the day of the event -- Use this link and passcode for a recording of a complete orientation to tournament procedures and rules.


Passcode: h.8mre41

A copy of the slides will be sent to all registered players the evening of April 17th.  For an earlier copy, contact the event organizer.


Special Notes for Event Day:


Adjacent garages are approximately $13 a day; the MacArthur Center garage within walking distance is $1 a day on weekends! 



No outside food or drink is allowed in Nauticus.  If parked nearby, you may keep food in your car and arrange to eat between rounds outside on the deck.  The Norfolk Grille cafe is on the 1st floor, and there are numerous restaurants within walking distance.

If you leave the museum, your wristband will give you re-entry.   Please make sure your player knows where to find you or designate another adult to supervise if you leave the premises without your player.  Be aware the tournament rounds are very close together, so do not depart the site with your player and risk missing a round.   

*NEW* -  You may order ahead of time from the cafe!  It is a small space, so we kindly ask that you order ahead, enjoy your food quickly (or take outside to eat), and don't linger in the cafe.  Menu and online advanced ordering is available at: https://nauticus.org/visit/the-norfolk-grille/




 Please enjoy the venue and pack light (you may go back to your vehicle if needed).   All players and accompanying family members / friends are strongly encouraged to explore Nauticus and the Battleship between rounds!  Camp chairs are not permitted at the venue.  

The Brock Theater on the 3rd floor of Nauticus is the main waiting area for parents.  This will be open to all museum guests, so please be mindful of others enjoying the space and secure your belongings.   A short film (Dinosaurs of the Antarctic) will be shown at 11am and 2pm for all museum guests. RAWR! 

YOU MAY NOT USE THE NAUTICUS CAFE (The Norfolk Grille) AS A WAITING AREA.   Volunteers will be enforcing this.

*Parents of younger children who may not be able to navigate from the ship's crew mess back to Nauticus will be allowed to wait in the galley (standing) next to the crew mess.  

Please make sure your players know where to find you after each round!


There is ample access to public bathrooms in Nauticus.  There is one bathroom available on the deck of the ship prior to descending the stairs to the crew mess.  We STRONGLY urge parents to ensure their kids use the bathroom BEFORE the start of a round.  Once the round has started, getting a child back and forth to a bathroom on the ship is challenging.


Access to the ship's galley requires the physical ability to climb up and down one short but steep ladder.  Players unable to make that climb can contact us in advance to make arrangements for an alternative assigned board in an accessible area of the ship or Nauticus.    




Discounted Group Nauticus/Battleship Tickets:

Required for all guests.   Admission to Nauticus and the Battleship is included in the entry fee for players only. 


IMPORTANT - After registering your player for the tournament, go to https://bit.ly/2025_bb64 to purchase your group rate admission tickets for family members or friends accompanying the player.  You will receive a wristband upon arrival for entry.  These tickets are non-refundable.  

  • For accompanying parents / siblings / guests, the group admission rates (tax includedare:
    • $15.40 for ages 13 and up
    • $13.20 for ages 3-12
    • ages 0-2 free but must be listed on reservation

  • NO PLAYER UNDER THE AGE OF 14 MAY BE DROPPED OFF / UNACCOMPANIED FOR THIS EVENT.  Carpooling is welcome.  All players under age 14 must have a designated adult onsite for the duration of the day.  

    Group sales end April 15th at 11:59PM -- No exceptions.  Regular admission fees may be paid at the door the day of event.  Please visit the Nauticus website for any other eligible discounts and ticket reservations if not purchasing group tickets through HRCA.     You will receive a confirmation with check-in instructions when you order tickets through HRCA.   


Volunteers help ensure our events run smoothly and that players and families have an enjoyable experience.   Volunteer spots include set up, clean up, wristband distribution, player escorts (Safe Play certification required), scorekeepers, CERTIFIED Tournament Directors (TDs), and assistant/junior TDs (not certified).    


Sign up to volunteer for a part of the day here:  Battle on BB-64signupgenius.com



Please contact the Tournament Organizer:  

Tina at cschweiss2@hrchessclub.org or 757-472-5909.  Email is the fastest way to reach us.   Note: This phone line is not manned 24/7.  Please leave a voicemail or text.  

Policies and other Important Information:

Participants and accompanying family members and friends must follow all rules for Nauticus and the Battleship.  


Safe Play and Code of Conduct:   It is our goal to provide a fun, safe, and supportive environment.  Community partnerships are vital to HRCA, and we want to ensure we remain good stewards to our partners and their facilities. There is a lot of downtime during tournaments -- parents are responsible for supervising their children when they are not playing a scheduled match.   Running through the facility and horseplay/roughhousing area prohibited.   


By registering and attending in this event (as participant or guest), you acknowledge and agree to abide by the US Chess Federation's Safe Play Policy, and HRCA's Code of Conduct and General Liability Waiver and Release.  For more information on Safe Play or HRCA's Code of Conduct and General Liability Waiver and Release, please click the BLUE links above.   Violations of these policies may result in warnings, or ultimately, disqualification or dismissal from the event without refund.   


Photo Policy: Please be advised that photos and/or videos may be taken at HRCA events for use in HRCA's marketing, grant reporting, educational, news, or other promotional materials, whether in print, electronic, or other forms of media, including on our website and social channels. HRCA will not identify images using the full names of those photographed without express written permission.   By attending an HRCA event, you consent to have your image recorded for distribution and agree to release, defend, hold harmless, and indemnify HRCA from any and all claims, including compensation, involving using your picture or likeness. If you wish to opt-out, you can make your wishes known to the photographer, and/or the event organizers, and/or contact HRCA at hrca@hrchessclub.org.