2025 Arizona Scholastic State Chess Championships - Blitz

Friday, April 25, 2025 at 6:00 pm


LOCATION: Crowne Plaza ResortOne N San Marcos Pl, Chandler, AZ 85225


US Chess rated 5 double round Swiss tournament in 2 sections. April 2025 rating supplement will be used. 

Sections: K-12 & K-6.

Sections may be combined based on number of entries. US Chess membership is required for all sections. Annual membership is available on uschess.org. If you have not joined US Chess or renewed your membership by April 25th, please renew onsite through Unity Chess before the 1st round. Players that cannot show proof of paid membership before the 1st round will not be paired.

Players may play up. Regular rating used for pairing and prizes.        

Boards, sets and clock will be provided.



Time control: G/3;+2;


Registration is online at 2025 Arizona Scholastic State Chess Blitz

Online registration closes Friday, April 25th at noon MST.

Onsite registration: Friday, April 25th: 4:30pm – 5:30pm.

Registrations after 5:30 pm may receive a ½ point bye for round 1 and be paired for round 2.

There will be a $5 processing fee for any refunds.

ENTRY FEES:         

$15 if received by March 24.

$20 if received between March 24 and April 6.

$25 if received between April 6 and April 25 (noon).

$30 onsite (Friday on-site entries may receive a 1/2-point bye for 1st round).



First round at 6:00. Subsequent rounds begin immediately upon completion of previous round.

Please arrive by 5:45 pm for pairings and announcements. There is no tournament check-in.

Byes: ½ point byes are available for all rounds if requested prior to start of round one.

An awards ceremony will take place after the last round is completed.



K-12: 1st-3rd place individual trophies.

K-6: 1st-5th place individual trophies.  


1st K-12 U1400; 1st K-12 U1000

1st K-6 U800; 1st K-6 U500


Blitz Flyer



2025 Arizona Scholastic State Chess Championships 

Main Tournament Flyer




2025 Arizona Scholastic State Chess Bughouse

Bughouse Flyer


HOTEL GROUP RATE:  Crowne Plaza Resort, One N San Marcos Pl, Chandler, AZ 85225. $170/night from Apr 25 - Apr 27.

For hotel reservations, please contact the Crowne Plaza Resort directly at 877-685-5594 and reference block code Z6I or use the booking link below:


The booking link is valid only until March 31st. For reservations after this date, please call the number listed above and ask for Jill Nash.In case of any issues, please email unitychessevents@gmail.com for assistance.


Pedram Atoufi. Text: 602-326-2727, Email: unitychessevents@gmail.com

Media Release: By registering for this event, you give the Unity Chess Club permission to take and use photographs or recordings and use such material for any purpose in print, advertisements, films or videos and on line and broadcast presentations of any sort.

Electronic Device Policy

Participants (upon starting their game) and spectators (where permitted) must not have on their person in the playing area any cell phone, smart watch, tablet, laptop, or other Internet-enabled device. This includes all electronic scoresheets.

If a player wishes to bring such a device into the tournament hall, the device (including smart watches) must be turned off (not placed into “silent” or “airplane” mode) and placed either face-up on the table where the player has a game in progress, or placed into a bag that the player does not carry or open during the game in progress.

Failure to completely turn off a device may result in penalties (time penalty, forfeiture) and are at the discretion of tournament director staff.

Unity Chess Player and Parent/Coach Conduct Policy

Unity Chess Club's objective is to hold a harmonious and enjoyable tournament where all players and parents conduct themselves in a respectful manner. Therefore, Unity Chess Club has instituted a ZERO TOLERANCE conduct policy for all players, including parents, coaches, or responsible adults. All players and parents are expected to follow the policy outlined below:

Policy Details

  • Players 12 and under may not be left unattended and must be under the supervision of a parent or responsible adult;
  • Players must always be respectful to staff, players, as well as any non-tournament guests;
  • Players/parents must stay in designated areas and engage in non-disruptive activities such as reading, board/electronic games or talking with friends when not playing a tournament game.
  • Parents and coaches may bring their personal chairs and items to set up in the skittles area.  
  • Players, etc., may not play in streets;
  • Players, etc., may not throw anything indoors including balls, food, trash, etc.;
  • Players, etc., may not run through the hotel;
  • Players, etc., may not enter private areas or other meeting rooms;
  • Players, etc., may not block public access or fire routes, or commit acts of vandalism (i.e. damage any property); and
  • Players, etc., may not leave garbage or debris anywhere except in designated garbage bins.
  • Only players designated to play their game on the stage may enter the stage area.

Failure to comply with these rules could result in a warning, forfeiture, or more likely, an immediate ejection from the tournament depending on the severity of the infraction.  Tournament staff, as well as Crowne Plaza Resort staff, have the final word on ejections and there will be no possibility of appeal or refund of tournament fees.