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2024-25 Texas Scholastic Online Quick Open Chess Championships

January 11th, 2025      

 US Chess Logo

This event is open to all students, Pre-K to Grade 12, of all States!!


Note: Registration is closed -- If you would like to play, you need to send an email to!

Event will be played on
Zoom connection will also be required in four (4) sections:

* High School Championship

* Middle School Championship

* Elementary School Championship

* Primary School Championship

Zoom will not be required in the other seven (7) sections.


** Sections might be combined due to low number of players in selected sections.
Check out some of the proposed merging in this list. **
Date/Time: Friday, Jan 10, 2025 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Zoom link:

1. Questions before, during and after the event, please go to our WhatsApp group:

2. For players who are not used to playing in, we will have practice time on Friday, Jan 10 at 6pm Central. 

3. Additional tournament related information will be emailed to all participants and posted here on Friday morning.


To see Pairings and Standings, go to: Google Spreadsheet (click!)


Six (6) Rounds -- G/15 + 2-second increment

Round Times (All Central Times):

10am -- 11am -- 12noon -- 1pm -- 2pm -- 3pm


High School Championship (Grade 9 - 12)

High School JV (U1000; Grade 9 - 12) - might be merged to HS Champ

Middle School Championship (Grade  6 - 8)

Middle School JV (U900; Grade 6 - 8)

Middle School Novice (U600; Grade 6 - 8) - might be merged to MS JV.

Elementary School Championship (Grade K - 5)

Elementary School JV (U800; Grade K - 5)

Elementary School Novice (U500; Grade K - 5) - might be merged to ES JV

Primary School Championship (Grade K - 3)

Primary School JV (U600; Grade K - 3) - might be merged to PS Champ or part of K-1 Champ

K - 1 Championship (Grade Pre-K - 1) - might be merged to PS Champ & PS JV.


Playing up is only allowed within the same grade range.  For example, a 6th grader rated 550 would normally play in the Middle School Novice section; however, that player may play up within the Middle School sections into the JV or Championship section.  In addition, players in K - 3 or K -1 sections may play in Elementary School (K - 5) sections.  Unrated players can play in any of the sections allowed for their grade.  For example, an unrated Grade 7 student can play in the Middle School Novice, JV or Championship section.

January 2025 US Rating Supplement will be used. 

The highest of the Over-the-Board or Online Regular or Quick ratings determine eligibility for section and prizes.  


Personalized plaques will be awarded to the Top 8 Individuals and Top 3 School Teams in each section.  Prizes will be increased based on registrations for each section, at the rate of one extra award for each 10 entries exceeding 80 in any one section.  For example, if a section has 120 players then the top 12 players will receive prizes.  

Team scores:  A team must have a minimum of two players to be eligible for team prizes.  There is no maximum number of students who may play for a team.  Only the top four scores count for team standings  and the top four players in a team will get team awards.

The top Texas player in each section will be recognized as the Texas Champion.

When individual scores are equal, the following order of tie-break systems will be used to designate individual awards: 1) Modified Median, 2) Median, 3) Solkoff, 4) Sonneborn-Berger, 5) Cummulative

When team scores are equal, the following order of tie-break systems will be used to designate team awards:  1) Total Individual Median, 2) Total Solkoff, 3) Total Sonneborn-Berger, 4)Total Cummulative

US Chess Rating Report will be submitted after the Fair Play review is completed, and awards will be mailed after that.



$35 by 6pm CT Jan 10

No entries accepted after 6 PM Central, Jan 10. No exceptions!

No refunds after 1 AM Central, Jan 11.


Up to two 1/2-point byes allowed. Must be requested by 6 PM Central, Friday, Jan 10.



- US Chess Membership, expiring on or after 1/30/2025, required.  

- All games will be played on  All players must have a account in good standing (free account is sufficient).  Any previously closed accounts must be disclosed to the Tournament Organizers prior to the tournament.

- All technical setup and reliable internet connection is the responsibility of the player.  Any interruption of the game, such as unreliable internet connection or technical setup errors might result in the loss or forfeit of the game.  Scoring of the forfeited game or disconnected games will be as follows:

    1)  A player who does not log-in for a scheduled round within 15 minutes after the start of a round shall lose the game by forfeit.

    2)  If both players are logged-in but have not made at least one move, the game will be declared a forfeit loss for the absent player.  Ratings will not be impacted.

     In both cases, a player forfeited due to failure to log-in or not moving will be dropped from the remainder of the tournament unless the player notifies the tournament staff via Zoom chat and expreses a desire to stay in the tournament.

    3)  If both players have made at least one move and the game ends because of disconnection, then the game will be rated.  The disconnected player will be removed from the remainder of the tournament unless the player notifies the tournament staff via Zoom chat and expresses a desire to stay in the tournament.  

- There will be a "Town Hall" meeting at 7pm (Central) Friday, 1/10.  All players/parents are encouraged to attend and get answers to their questions.  All registered players will receive an invitation via email on Thursday, 1/9.

-  During the Town Hall meeting, tournament directors will demonstrate what players need to do to be ready for their game, and how the game will be started.  Players will have the opportunity to experience the online playing conditions and practice getting paired up for a non-rated game.

-  Only players in the High School, Middle School, Elementary School and Primary School Championship sections will be required to join a Zoom meeting with an active side-view camera showing them and their computer.  This camera will be positioned to provide a view of the player and his/her playing device.  The camera must be placed at approximately a 45-degree angle to the left or right rear of the player and elevated to at least the same height as the player's desktop.  The view must show the player's upper body, arms, head, and playing device screen.  All of these elements must be visible simultaneously in the video stream.  Players may use a cell phone or a separate webcam to provide this view.  Players should ensure this camera uses a continuous source of power and does not rely on battery power alone, to avoid interruptions in the camera's video feed, resulting from a loss of battery power.  Players in the other seven (7) sections will not be required to use a Zoom connection.

- All players will be sent a welcome email on Thursday, 1/9, with important details on what players need to do to be ready to play their games, including the Zoom meeting links players must join.  

   Communication during the event:

Players will be instructed to communicate with the Tournament Directors via the Zoom chat.  Parents and coaches may receive information and ask questions via the event specific Discord channel.  Link to the channel will be posted as we get closer to the event.

-  All players and their games will be subject to detailed Fair-Play review during and post-tournament.  Therefore, official standings and US Chess rating reports may not be published until three weeks after the event concludes. 

   Penalties during the Event

-  Forfeit time is 15 minutes from the official posted round start time.

-  The Chief TD may impose penalties for prolonged or repeated disconnections.

-  The Organizer and Chief TD reserve the right to remove a player from the tournament and make an adjustment to the scores of the players and her/his opponents.

    When a player is removed due to a Fair-Play violation, scores will be adjusted as follows:

    1)  If two or more rounds remain, all opponents of the disqualified player will receive a win by forfeit, unless they defeated the disqualified player, in which case they will retain the rated win.

    2)  If the tournament has concluded or if there is only one round remaining, the last opponent of the disqualified player will receive a win by forfeit.  Other opponents who lost to the disqualified player will receive a half-point bye.  Opponents who drew with the disqualified player will receive a win by forfeit.  Anyone who defeated the disqualified player will retain a rated win, instead of a forfeit win.

    For any scenarios not covered explicitly above, Tournament Directors will follow Section 26 of the School year 2024 - 2025 US Chess Scholastic Regulations. and US Chess Rules of Chess, Chapter 10        

For questions about the event, please contact David Ortiz at




List of registered players & sections

Individual results -- click here

Team results -- click here