This event is cancelled. The UW-Oshkosh Reeve Memorial Student Union is closed due to the Corona virus outbreak.
March 21-22, 2020
Please note important changes to the varsity section
The single Varsity section is a five-player boarded team, team Swiss tournament based on match points. Accelerated pairings will be used for the first two rounds. Schools may enter multiple teams in the Varsity section. For prize purposes only, the Varsity section will be divided into three equally sized divisions based on team rating which is the average of your five players’ US Chess ratings.
The Varsity section will play 5 rounds.
Round 1 - 9:30
Round 2 - 1:15
Round 3 - 5:00
Round 4 - 9:00
Round 5 - 12:30
Award's Ceremony In varsity playing room approximately 4:00 P.M.
The time control for Varsity is Game in 60 minutes plus a 30 second increment (not delay). This necessitates taking notation for the entire game.
Clocks will be available for checkout. Please have your players bring a student ID, US Chess membership card, driver's license or other form of ID to check out these clocks.
US CHESS TEAM RULES: Please refer to section 31 of the US Chess’ Official Rules of Chess for a full explanation of team rules. In particular, players must play in rating order (Rule 31B). Unrateds may play on any board (Rule 31B2). Players within 50 rating points of each other may permanently switch positions prior to the tournament. Teams will be seeded based on a team rating derived from the rating average of the five players. Rule 31C1 will be used to calculate team ratings when unrateds are involved. The March rating supplement will be used. March ratings should be available at in late February.
ELIGIBILITY: All Varsity teams must be composed of entirely 9th through 12th graders or 8th graders and below. All players must be from the same school unless that school does not have students covering all the grades in any section. If a high school does not have a 9th grade, then they may tap 9th graders from eligible feeder schools. Students in grades K-8 may play as a team in a Varsity section if from the same school or in the individual Junior Varsity, K-8 or K-5 sections. Only Wisconsin students are eligible.
A home school or virtual school student may play on either a public or private school team. To play on a public school team the student must live within the attendance boundary (not district) from which that public school draws. Any private school seeking to have these students on their team must use the same public school attendance boundary in which their school building is located. Players from outside their boundaries are not allowed to play on that school’s team. Home schooled students are considered to be in 9th grade when they are 14 as of September 1st of the school year. Players must be under age 19 as of September 1st of the school year.
PLAYING SITE: The playing site is the Reeve Memorial Student Union, UW-Oshkosh, 800 Algoma Blvd., Oshkosh, WI. The Varsity divisions will play in rooms 227B and C. The Junior Varsity will play in Room 227A. The K-8 and K-5 sections will play in room 202. The skittles room will be Reeve Union cafeteria. Please bring your own sets and boards for the skittles room. Room 221 will be the Tournament Director’s and vendor room with limited skittle’s seating. Day parking can be found in lot 15 across the street from Reeve Union and is free on the weekend. The Reeve Union Marketplace Sub Connection will be open both days 8:30 am – 1:30 pm. The Pizza Hut will be open 11 am – 1:30 pm. The Titan Underground will be open 10 am – 2 pm both weekend days.
PRIZES: Trophies will be awarded to the top eight Division I teams, top six Division II teams and the top four Division III teams; first place team members and their coach and each board champion (including all ties!). The state championship title and traveling trophies will be presented to the Varsity champions. If a tie exists in the Varsity section, a speed chess playoff will determine the champion. If a tie in the playoff exists, an Armageddon speed playoff between one representative from the two teams will determine the champion. Any non-trophy winning Varsity individual who scores at least 3 points will be awarded a medal.
ENTRY FEE: The early bird entry fee is $18 per player if received by the director by March 14. Entries received March 15 - March 20 are $22. If you’re not sure of your exact order of players, please send a tentative list and then finalize it with an evening phone call or e-mail before the tournament or during at-site registration. The at-site registration fee is $26 per player. At site registration session I will be held 7-9 P.M. Friday, March 20 in the Conference Room in Gruenhagen for teams arriving Friday night. At site registration session II is from 7:30-8:30 A.M. Saturday, March 21 in room 221 of Reeve Union. Rosters need to be finalized by 8:30 A.M. Saturday, March 21 to ensure the first round starts at 9:30 A.M. No need to check in if there are no changes to what was sent in.
Phone inquiries can be made any evening before Friday, March 20 to Mike Nietman at (608) 467-8510 or via e-mail at Players who pre-register but then cannot play will have their entry fee refunded only if the director is notified before the end of at-site registration. Up-to-date entries will be viewable on the Wisconsin Scholastic Chess Championship website. Sorry, I’m not able to accept credit cards or PO’s, cash or check only.
EQUIPMENT: Please bring boards and sets for your Varsity players. Please bring clocks for all main and side events. Please bring sets and boards for your players to use in the skittles area. Please mark all of your equipment for ease of returning lost and found equipment.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Dorm rooms are available at Gruenhagen Conference Center, about a four minute walk from Reeve Union. Dorm rooms are available for $40 single or double plus a 10% room tax. Dorm rooms include two towels, a washcloth, soap and linens per bed. To reserve your rooms, please call Gruenhagen directly at (920) 424-1106. Mention chess. Gruenhagen asks that one person per team pay for the rooms and pick up the keys. Please note that Gruenhagen charges $25 for lost keys. There is a 5 P.M. Friday, March 13 cutoff for lodging room reservations. Making this deadline will better assure you of having your team stay together or even to get a room! Reserve rooms early. Due to UW-O students housing in Gruenhagen, space may be limited. Make lodging checks out to “UW-Oshkosh”. A 24-hour cancellation policy exists. You will be charged one night’s lodging for rooms booked but not taken upon check in.
PARKING: For parking around Gruenhagen cars should use the High Avenue ramp on the corner of High and Osceola Streets. Please use level 1. Levels 2 & 3 are reserved for resident students. Other possible parking locations include Lot 30 at the end Gruenhagen. Parking is free on the weekend.
TEAM ROOMS: A limited number of team rooms are available in Reeve Union. To book a room, contact Reeve Reservations / 920-424-2435 / For team rooms at Gruenhagen, contact Sarah Martin Kriha at 920-424-1121.
CHAPERONES: All teams staying in the dorms are required to have a chaperone staying in the dorms. Gruenhagen policy states: “Conference groups utilizing Gruenhagen Conference Center and composed of minors must be supervised by adults who are responsible for the behavior and activities of the participants. Chaperones will be responsible for upholding the standards of behavior and policies as determined by the University. Within Gruenhagen Conference Center this includes compliance of the policies regarding window screen removal, excessive littering, disturbing noise, abuse to elevators, use of alcohol and drugs and damage of University property.” Please note that that among other violations, Gruenhagen charges for furniture that has been moved between rooms, screen removal and for tampering with the smoke detector. Serious offenses will disallow a student from staying at the conference center in the future.
CHECK IN/OUT POLICY: All coaches or their adult designee are responsible for checking out each and every lodging room assigned to their team upon check in and check out. A check in form will be provided to each team for each room and should be returned to the desk as soon as possible. Any damages discovered by Gruenhagen in your rooms will be billed to your school.
The Varsity Division I, Division II and Division III team winners will be determined by match points. One match point for a win, 1/2 point for a draw, and zero points for a loss. A match is won by the team scoring the most game points. Game points will not be weighted and all boards count equally.
Varsity teams tied in match points will have their ties broken using the US Amateur Team tie break system.
We will discuss and ratify all rules and changes at the coach’s meeting scheduled for the TD’s room (Reeve Room 221) after the 2nd varsity round starts. Any rules change proposals need to be sent out one month before the event. Any rules changes not sent out a month in advance need a super-majority to pass.
Waupaca High School will sponsor the State Scholastic Bughouse Tournament Saturday night in the Badger State Room of Gruenhagen. For Bughouse information visit: Wisconsin State Scholastic Bughouse Championship
Waupaca High School representatives will take Bughouse entries Saturday afternoon. Note: State Scholastic tournament directors are not involved in these events and don’t know the event particulars nor take any entries. Please advise your players of this.
Chess book and equipment vendor Luke Ludwig will have tables set up in Reeve Union Room 221 to sell chess books, chess CD’s and chess equipment. Please support a Wisconsin vendor with your chess equipment purchases!