Chicago Chess Center Potawotami Open
and Fort Dearborn Reserve
July 7-8, 2018
UIC Student Center East, 750 S. Halsted St. Chicago IL 60607.
5-round Swiss System. Game in 90 minutes for each player, with 30-second increment. Accelerated possible.
Two Sections:
Potawotami Open (rated by FIDE and US Chess)
$1000-600-300-100; Under 2400 $310-200; Under 2200 $300; Under 2000 $295-195
Fort Dearborn Reserve (Under 1800 or unrated - rated by US Chess):
$700-400-200; Under 1600 $210-105; Under 1400 $200-100; Under 1200 $195-90. Unrated may not win more than $200.
Both Sections
Entry Fee: $79 by June 30, $89 by July 6; $99 onsite. Free advance registration to GMs, IMs, WGMs, & WIMs. (To maintain good playing conditions, we reserve the right to close registration at or above 160 players; preregistration STRONGLY encouraged!) $11 extra for Under 1700 to play in Open. 20% discount for CCC members. US mail entries postmarked by Aug. 2 should be payable to Chicago Chess Center NFP Inc. P.O. Box 180095, Chicago, IL 60618.
Registration: 8-8:30 a.m. No phone entries. Rounds: Saturday: 9:00 a.m, 2 p.m., 7 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m. & 3 p.m. Bye available in any round: must commit before end of rd. 2. All-day parking at 760 W. Taylor St, $7.
FRIENDLY REMINDER: Round 1 on Saturday 7/7 begins at 9 a.m., not our normal 10 a.m.! Onsite registration closes at 8:30 a.m., not our normal 9:30!
INFO: Bill Brock, 773-294-1709, Sets & clocks provided. Wheelchair-accessible.