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Show Section Counts

There are 7 players registered as of 05/17/2023

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Shernoff, Leon 1924 12589079 2023-06-30 Quad
Silverstein, Jonathan 1873 16412607 2025-01-31 Quad
Filler, Zachary 1845 14040236 2221-07-31 Quad
Majerle, Adrian J 1745 12864269 2023-06-30 Quad
Mathews, Michael 1167 30159911 2023-09-30 Quad
Amzil, Chadi 988 16632090 2024-05-31 Quad
Bates, Robert Keith Unrated 31085148 2024-03-31 Quad