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There are 17 players registered as of 12/18/2024

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Gonzalez, Isaac Kevin 1898 16887100 2025-09-30 Open
Barrientos, Andy 1369 31527165 2024-11-30 Open USCF membership has expired. See TD.
Griffin, Tecumseh Casey 1365 30375184 2025-12-31 Open
Johnson, Russell T 1305 31395106 2026-10-31 Open
Reddy, Nikhil 1293 31947039 2025-07-31 Open
Thielen, Alexander 1064 16151607 2025-11-30 Open
Cho, Edwin Samuel 977 30524740 2023-03-31 Open USCF membership has expired. See TD.
Lopez, Freddie Marcello 974 31912817 2025-06-30 Open
Besa, Armando 940 17317738 2025-11-30 Open
Primack, Seth 931 32074576 2025-10-31 Open
Boyle, Sean R 913 31492664 2025-11-30 Open
Melo, Valentin 836 30334141 2022-11-30 Open USCF membership has expired. See TD.
Verma, Anika 104 31978397 2025-08-31 Open
Trujillo Caceres, Juan David Unrated 32210130 0000-00-00 Open Error validating USCF ID. See TD.
Prakash, Hashwin Unrated 31704549 2025-02-28 Open
Rahmatullah, Fahad Unrated 32210054 2025-12-31 Open
Vijayakumar, Vividh Unrated 32209085 2025-12-31 Open