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Show Section Counts

There are 16 players registered as of 10/16/2024

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Markovic, Arendal 2000 12569761 2024-10-31 Open
Tzolov, Michael 1872 12934550 2025-10-31 Open
Gonzalez, Isaac Kevin 1861 16887100 2025-09-30 Open
Cardelli, James 1550 31735542 2025-02-28 Open
Al-Haddad, Aladdin 1528 17069337 2024-12-31 Open
Anderson, Austin 1363 16669835 2025-07-31 Open
Jadhav, Prajwal 1246 30824419 2025-08-31 Open
Reddy, Nikhil 1236 31947039 2025-07-31 Open
Gut, John 1220 31506701 2024-11-30 Open
Becker, Jason 1156 30929353 2025-01-31 Open
Prabhu, Pranav 989 30310181 2025-01-31 Open
Herrera Saucedo, Carlos Sergio 932 31942346 2025-06-30 Open
Amoroso, Greg 233 12937982 2026-11-30 Open
Verma, Anika 101 31978397 2025-08-31 Open
Hagan, Michael Unrated 12828132 2026-09-30 Open
Primack, Seth Unrated 32074576 2025-10-31 Open