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Show Section Counts

There are 10 players registered as of 12/06/2023

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Molodyk, Mikhail 1874 13573825 2025-01-31 Open
Schneider, Avi Daniel 1620 12839899 2024-07-31 Open 0pt: 1
Sheridan, Wayra 1087 16974060 2023-12-31 Open
Tcheng, Gene 1076 16951443 2024-08-31 Open
McDonald, Compton 924 31456117 2024-10-31 Open
Robbins, Daniel 857 31215337 2024-04-30 Open
Gorski, Marian 800 16312140 2024-01-31 Open
Hopkins, Braden 772 30627253 2025-12-31 Open
Sheridan, Suzanne 544 17093673 2023-12-31 Open
Kluck, Evette 411 31468787 2024-10-31 Open