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There are 7 players registered as of 05/22/2023

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Shernoff, Leon 1924 12589079 2024-06-30 Open
Abbott, James 1869 12405964 2023-05-31 Open
Ganbaatar, Amarjargal 1840 15960754 2024-03-31 Open
O'Brien, Bret Thomas 1802 16221522 2023-07-31 Open
Majerle, Adrian J 1745 12864269 2023-06-30 Open
Vemuri, Keshav 1280 12860802 2024-02-29 U1600
Lee, Justin 1167 16713783 2024-11-30 U1600