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Show Section Counts

There are 8 players registered as of 2025-03-15T01:23:12Z

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Hortillosa, Andres D 1939 12455466 2099-12-31 3-day u2200
Veeder, Cole 1506 30022342 2025-07-31 3-day u2200
Biswas, Avidha 1355 30243658 2025-08-31 3-day u2200
Ajoykumar, Aarud 1248 16233086 2025-08-31 3-day u1600
Goncalves, Alessandro 887 14019310 2027-05-31 3-day u1600
Schaum, Jake Unrated 31619459 2026-02-28 3-day u1600 4,5
Barnes, James 1062 31633072 2028-01-31 2-day u1600
Kulkarni, Neal 164 31538345 2026-12-31 3-day u1200 Scholastic