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Show Section Counts

There are 7 players registered as of 07/31/2023

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Heller, Harry 1882 15613721 2024-06-30 Open
Esposito, Edward 1649 12653128 2023-08-31 Open
Yeh, Sean 1452 30289022 2024-09-30 U1600
Eager, Benjamin 1006 15298337 2024-01-31 U1600
Kumar, Kush 937 30619839 2025-06-30 U1600
Levanti, Martin Unrated 30479546 2024-06-30 U1600
Southern, Daniel Joseph Unrated 31282019 2024-05-31 U1600