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Show Section Counts

There are 7 players registered as of 2024-12-21T18:30:44Z

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Murahari, Rishith 759 31905952 2025-05-31 Intermediate Division2
Maylen, Emma 189 31632366 2025-01-31 Intermediate Division2
Maylen, Evan 110 31694235 2025-02-28 Intermediate Division2
Anderson, Jarrod Delon Unrated 31231059 2024-04-30 Intermediate Division2 USCF membership has expired. See TD.
Pollock, Brayson Unrated 30078379 2025-05-31 Intermediate Division2
Pollock, Emmery Unrated 31911945 2025-05-31 Intermediate Division2
Pollock, Steven Unrated 30125175 2025-05-31 Advanced Division