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Show Section Counts

There are 25 players registered as of 12/07/2024

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Singleton, Jake 1375 31012981 2025-02-28 U1600
Suresh, Naveen 1367 31334167 2026-07-31 U1600
Vogel, Dylan 1350 30077945 2024-12-31 U1600
Cleaver, Darius 1332 31379522 2025-08-31 U1600
Addanki, Aswath 1327 30330848 2025-11-30 U1600
Laurens-Renner, Alexis 1325 31920044 2025-06-30 U1600
Erlenborn, Mark J 1306 12450188 2026-01-31 U1600
Alvarado, Peter 1288 30613317 2025-04-30 U1600
Apostolopoulos, Georgios Alexander 1239 30464187 2026-02-28 U1600
Bareket, Nimrod 1200 15470993 2026-03-31 U1600 4
Addanki, Asrith 1113 30472459 2025-02-28 U1600
Linnenbringer, Otto 1047 16521567 2024-10-31 U1600 USCF membership has expired. See TD.
Livinskyi, Akim 970 32155195 2025-11-30 U1600
Villa, Jada L 959 31501498 2024-10-31 U1600 USCF membership has expired. See TD.
Weber, Zachary 912 32110043 2025-10-31 U1600
Harwood, Samuel Unrated 32111070 2025-12-31 U1600 4
Jakobe, Isaiah Unrated 32168599 2026-11-30 U1600
Silverstein, Jonathan 1967 16412607 2025-01-31 Open 0pt: 1,2
Ganbaatar, Amarjargal 1898 15960754 2025-04-30 Open
Borjanovic, Bosko 1866 31138704 2025-03-31 Open
Smythe, Bill 1800 10339022 2099-12-31 Open
Xia, Elizabeth 1761 30428139 2026-01-31 Open
WCM Xin, Stella 1758 30733032 2026-09-30 Open
Chen, Victoria 1587 17307512 2026-10-31 Open
Jadhav, Prajwal 1476 30824419 2025-08-31 Open