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There are 10 players registered as of 01/20/2024

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Haddox, Evan J Unrated 31513973 2025-10-31 Open
Herbert, Matthew 1354 17245618 2024-03-31 U1600 0pt: 4
Bao, Ronny 1266 31275259 2024-05-31 U1600 0pt: 1
Gut, John 1265 31506701 2024-11-30 U1600
Bareket, Nimrod 1200 15470993 2024-03-31 U1600 0pt: 4
Apostolopoulos, Georgios Alexander 1154 30464187 2024-02-29 U1600
Calegari, Felix 1001 31362030 2026-08-31 U1600
Robbins, Daniel 907 31215337 2024-04-30 U1000 0pt: 2,3,4
Hansen, William Michael 849 30689381 2026-01-31 U1000
Lopez, Paul Unrated 30989528 2024-02-29 U1000