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There are 8 players registered as of 10/07/2023

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Allison, Nicholas 1873 15900507 2024-09-30 Open
Abbott, James 1871 12405964 2025-05-31 Open
Borjanovic, Bosko 1770 31138704 2024-03-31 Open
Esposito, Edward 1707 12653128 2024-08-31 Open
Silvestre, Lucas 1694 30021630 2025-07-31 Open
Gross, August Begnat 1391 15557290 2024-09-30 Open
Li, David 1306 30899106 2023-12-31 Open
Barroso, Joseph Unrated 31417803 2024-09-30 Open