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There are 11 players registered as of 09/02/2023

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Shetty, Anshul P 2170 15752957 2024-05-31 Open
Kosak, Whitman 1869 30283989 2024-09-30 Open
Borjanovic, Bosko 1784 31138704 2024-03-31 Open
Currah, Azeem Anwar 1707 14004248 2024-08-31 Open
Lieberman, Noah 1697 12700173 2025-01-31 Open
Silvestre, Lucas 1647 30021630 2025-07-31 Open
Rajeshkumar, Rahul 1593 15842901 2024-11-30 Open
Zhang, Johnny 1226 31156587 2024-03-31 U1600
Webb, Wheaton William 1100 30659470 2024-07-31 U1600
Bao, Ronny 938 31275259 2024-05-31 U1600 0pt: 1
Kawji, Senna 813 30622971 2024-06-30 U1000 0pt: 4