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Show Section Counts

There are 22 players registered as of 02/15/2025

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Malpert, Rodney A 2326 10374570 2026-06-30 Blitz
Adams, Stephen 2297 13184803 2025-05-31 Blitz
Panda, Asish 2172 15841411 2025-12-31 Blitz
Yu, Tianxiang Carlos 2015 30351543 2027-01-31 Blitz
Sankar, Tarun 1993 17060275 2025-06-30 Blitz
Lambert, Walden 1952 17300215 2025-05-31 Blitz
Ho, Randy W 1909 12744052 2026-08-31 Blitz
Ochkur, Alex 1893 14108151 2025-02-28 Blitz
Nemeth, Jake 1748 31093154 2026-03-31 Blitz
Li, Leon 1731 30452762 2026-02-28 Blitz
Howe, Tedrik 1702 31407844 2025-09-30 Blitz
Sripada, Vishnu 1582 30677176 2028-08-31 Blitz
Schreindorfer, Julian 1539 30698786 2026-10-31 Blitz
Badyaev, Victor Alexander 1521 16778376 2025-09-30 Blitz
Simpson, Tanner 1477 31950381 2025-12-31 Blitz
Williams, Melody 1316 31215346 2027-04-30 Blitz
Magee, James 1254 31522837 2026-11-30 Blitz
Chalasani, Vivek 1172 14890446 2025-07-31 Blitz
Cruz, Raphael Lorenzo 1141 30121132 2026-01-31 Blitz
Tichy, Robert 1136 32219983 2025-12-31 Blitz
Breault, Michael 572 32213303 2025-12-31 Blitz
Hefner, Zachary Unrated 30659560 2026-01-31 Blitz