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There are 16 players registered as of 2025-02-05T06:49:46Z

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes School/Team Notes
Feng, Andrew 2202 15666552 2026-01-31 K to 12 Open PABMHS Harriton Senior High School
Li, Kevin 2162 15544622 2026-10-31 K to 12 Open PAPHGF Germantown Friends School
WCM Wang, Lilian 1956 15607273 2026-12-31 K to 12 Open PANSEA The Episcopal Academy
Zheng, James 948 30835739 2026-11-30 6 to 12 Under 1000 PABCBC Bala-Cynwyd Middle School
John Francis Kennedy, Kevin Andrew 1829 30477246 2027-02-28 K to 8 Open PABYTE Tredyffrin-Easttown Middle School
Karthikeyan, Adhinanth Krishna 1540 30168355 2026-04-30 K to 8 Open PAWCJR J R Fugett Middle School
Zheng, John 1234 30835721 2026-11-30 K to 3 Open PAMSME Merion Elementary
Meirom, Fabian Shahade 859 17349061 2027-01-31 K to 3 Open PAPHGA Greenfield Albert M School
Bontempo, Charlie 726 31560623 2026-11-30 K to 3 Open PAEJEE Eagleville Elementary
Bontempo, Henry 481 31087529 2026-11-30 K to 3 Open PAEJEE Eagleville Elementary
Reichfeld, Gal 749 31573205 2026-11-30 K to 6 Under 800 PAMSME Merion Elementary
Bergmann, Elliot David 693 30568604 2025-11-30 K to 6 Under 800 PAPHSH Springside Chestnut Hill Academy
Le, Eva Phuong 127 32021108 2026-09-30 K to 6 Under 500 PAMSME Merion Elementary
Hari Krishna, Rishik 1027 30148895 2024-03-31 K to 9 Under 1100 PAH8PM Pennfield Middle School USCF membership has expired. See TD.
Herbert, Randall 733 31482203 2026-10-31 K to 9 Under 1100 Bright Endeavors Now
Herbert, Reggie 206 31482217 2025-11-30 K to 9 Under 600 Bright Endeavors Now