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Show Section Counts

There are 7 players registered as of 2024-12-21T17:50:22Z

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
La Budde, Mike 1966 12391010 2099-12-31 Open
WFM Kaur, Aradh 1913 15085398 2025-04-30 Open
Sabarish, Shravan 1342 31184590 2027-06-30 Open 3
Ringenberg, Dan H 1400 12543960 2025-10-31 Reserve
Solorzano, Manuel 940 17339388 2027-03-31 Reserve 3
Sabarish, Shashwath 764 31378607 2027-08-31 Reserve 3
Ford, Dillon Unrated 32183180 2025-12-31 Reserve