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There are 14 players registered as of 06/07/2023

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Silverstein, Jonathan 1904 16412607 2025-01-31 Open
Oulvey, Michael 1771 30104896 2025-01-31 Open
Majerle, Adrian J 1713 12864269 2023-06-30 Open
Ramasamy, Nithin 1681 16464765 2023-11-30 Open
Smith, Orlan B 1516 11336507 2099-12-31 Open
Vemuri, Keshav 1301 12860802 2024-02-29 Open
Lee, Justin 1216 16713783 2024-11-30 Open
Hamann, Colin 1024 30490483 2024-03-31 Open
Liebermann, Elijah 989 30662833 2023-07-31 Open
Liebermann, Elijah Guthrie 989 30662833 2023-07-31 Open
Muthu, Advaith 963 30595584 2024-06-30 Open
Aburto, Donato 793 16373954 2024-04-30 Open
Bao, Ronny Unrated 31275259 2024-05-31 Open
SILVA, CHRYSTIAN Unrated 31289649 0000-00-00 Open USCF membership has expired. See TD.