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There are 7 players registered as of 2025-02-22T21:33:55Z

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes School/Team Notes
Avilala, Nishant Unrated 32301473 2026-02-28 K-2 LAMEAP Airline Park Academy For Advanced Studies
Peng, Otto 503 32026409 2026-09-30 K-4 LANOWL The Willow School
Fitzgerald, Dylan 408 32131842 2025-11-30 K-4 LAGRAC Arden Cahill Academy
Cormier, Laurie Unrated 32323756 2026-02-28 K-4 LANOAC Audubon Charter School
Ren, Hannah 1340 30884711 2025-12-31 K-6 LABRWA Westdale Heights Academic Magnet School
Tender, Nicholas 982 17177320 2025-12-31 K-6 4 LAMEMA Metairie Academy For Advanced Studies
Bourque, Brody T 624 30734756 2026-12-31 K-6 LAMEAP Airline Park Academy For Advanced Studies