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Show Section Counts

There are 9 players registered as of 01/22/2024

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Lee, Justin 1858 16713783 2024-11-30 Open
Miller, Solomon A 1736 12896312 2024-02-29 Open
armour, malachi Unrated 31672162 2025-01-31 Open 0pt: 1
Oleksa, Max 1590 30265153 2024-12-31 U1600
Loftis, Madison Y 1541 12550395 2024-02-29 U1600
Joo, Dominick 1398 17103472 2024-11-30 U1600
Steele, Sarah J 333 30895818 2025-01-31 U1600
Abercrombie, Timothy 293 31299099 2024-06-30 U1600
Kane, Logan Unrated 31645305 2025-01-31 U1600