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Show Section Counts

There are 12 players registered as of 2025-02-05T06:02:50Z

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Yuan, Owen 2047 17310824 2025-08-31 CHAMP 2 DAY
Yao, Annie 1718 30095222 2027-01-31 CHAMP 2 DAY
Lau, Carlos Jose 2100 12420179 2026-10-31 CHAMP 3 DAY
Zhang, Alicia S 1865 30070549 2026-11-30 CHAMP 3 DAY
He, Jayden 1760 30301498 2025-10-31 CHALLENGERS 2 DAY
Iskandarov, Elvin 1605 30221255 2025-09-30 CHALLENGERS 2 DAY
Weddleton, Katherine 1523 30265574 2026-11-30 CHALLENGERS 2 DAY
Taylor, Edward Thomas 1715 12453299 2025-08-31 CHALLENGERS 3 DAY 4
Gonzales, Roland 1706 12732301 2025-08-31 CHALLENGERS 3 DAY
Rowe-Watters, Chauncey 1661 16727150 2025-04-30 CHALLENGERS 3 DAY
Colson, Walker 1592 15837607 2027-07-31 CHALLENGERS 3 DAY
Sunagatullin, Mark 1478 30683123 2025-08-31 CHALLENGERS 3 DAY