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There are 54 players registered as of 02/08/2025

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes School/Team Notes
Chingalwar, Advesh 634 30901869 2025-12-31 K-3 ILBLNO Northpoint Elementary School
Balivada, Poorvika 575 30662844 2025-11-30 K-3 ILNOCO Colene Hoose Elementary
Shah, Misri 479 30867374 2026-01-31 K-3 ILBLBE Benjamin Elementary
Kumar, Keshav 442 31553267 2024-11-30 K-3 ILDJHI Hickory Grove Elementary School USCF membership has expired. See TD.
Chingalwar, Advaya 245 32147940 2026-11-30 K-3 ILBLNO Northpoint Elementary School
Shah, Jiya Saurabh 131 31641753 2025-01-31 K-3 ILDJHI Hickory Grove Elementary School USCF membership will expire. See TD.
Kuebler, Malakai 126 31569885 2026-01-31 K-3 ILPOCO Charter Oak Primary School
Younger, Yan 105 32241493 2026-01-31 K-3 ILPOCO Charter Oak Primary School
Suellentrop, Reid Unrated 99999999 0000-00-00 K-3 IL6ELG Lincoln Grade School Missing or invalid US Chess ID. See TD.
Daniel Raj, Leandro Rathin Daniel Unrated 32259261 2026-01-31 K-3 ILDJHI Hickory Grove Elementary School
Daniel Raj, Shamuel Leonard Unrated 32261045 2026-01-31 K-3 ILDJHI Hickory Grove Elementary School
Vinoth, Adhriit 926 31915922 2025-09-30 4-5 ILDJHI Hickory Grove Elementary School
Amirdha Gopal, Harshavardhan 872 30302455 2024-11-30 4-5 ILPOWI Wilder-Waite Elementary USCF membership has expired. See TD.
Shah, Nabhya 864 31260658 2025-08-31 4-5 ILDJHI Hickory Grove Elementary School
Wei, Robin 864 30720331 2025-11-30 4-5 ILDJHI Hickory Grove Elementary School
Sv, Adityaram 661 30868398 2026-02-28 4-5 ILNOCO Colene Hoose Elementary
Balivada, Sahasra 595 30662810 2025-11-30 4-5 ILNOCO Colene Hoose Elementary
Mathan, Priya Sahana 566 30586750 2026-01-31 4-5 ILPOWI Wilder-Waite Elementary
Karanam, Niksheeth 494 30869942 2025-02-28 4-5 EchoHill Elementary School
Palanivel, Pranav Krishna 380 32182998 2025-12-31 4-5 ILDJHI Hickory Grove Elementary School
Snopko, Tobias 335 30839028 2025-11-30 4-5 IL6ECP Central Primary School
Karanam, Nikshay 275 30852145 2024-11-30 4-5 EchoHill Elementary School USCF membership has expired. See TD.
Fordham, Elias 251 31565690 2025-11-30 4-5 ILEEGL Glendale Elementary
Moody, Lillian 122 31520989 2025-10-31 4-5 IL0GBG Brimfield Grade School
Wooley, Mackenzie 119 31895821 2025-05-31 4-5 ILPOCO Charter Oak Primary School
Shah, Tej 856 16892121 2025-01-31 6th grade ILBLEV Evans Junior High School USCF membership has expired. See TD.
Hanson, Gavin 825 31569749 2025-12-31 6th grade ILGTGH Germantown Hills Middle School
Agarwal, Samyak 721 30938452 2025-02-28 6th grade ILBLEV Evans Junior High School
Padigala, Chandra 639 30881400 2026-01-31 6th grade ILBLEV Evans Junior High School
Sheth, Neal 509 17212651 2027-01-31 6th grade ILBLEV Evans Junior High School
Nataraj, Mrityunjayan 484 32149359 2025-11-30 6th grade ILDJDV Dunlap Valley Middle School
Bertsch, Zach 383 32147799 2025-11-30 6th grade IL0GBG Brimfield Grade School
Yadav, Darsh 258 30938448 2026-01-31 6th grade ILBLEV Evans Junior High School
Klein, Evelyn 218 32196136 2025-12-31 6th grade ILR5RM Riverton Middle School
Emerick, Jacen 215 32147782 2025-11-30 6th grade IL0GBG Brimfield Grade School
Wolcott, Dakoda 183 31557022 2025-12-31 6th grade IL0GBG Brimfield Grade School
Sharma, Arnav 1122 16591977 2025-12-31 7th grade ILBLEV Evans Junior High School
Gupta, Sanchit 767 16892231 2025-12-31 7th grade ILBLEV Evans Junior High School
Rajesh, Disha 533 30853968 2026-01-31 7th grade ILDJDM Dunlap Middle School
Dhuppad, Reyansh 240 31542822 2025-11-30 7th grade ILDJDM Dunlap Middle School
Klein, Kaleb 161 32196152 2025-12-31 7th grade ILR5RM Riverton Middle School
Simmons, Luke 112 16216626 2016-08-31 7th grade IL0GBG Brimfield Grade School USCF membership has expired. See TD.
Jain, Shourya Nirmal 878 15658938 2026-06-30 8th Grade ILBLEV Evans Junior High School
Mathan, Priya Sadhana 786 30586638 2025-05-31 8th Grade ILDJDV Dunlap Valley Middle School
Moody, Keegan 786 30340948 2025-01-31 8th Grade IL0GBG Brimfield Grade School USCF membership has expired. See TD.
Ray, Elijah 739 32196165 2025-12-31 8th Grade ILR5RM Riverton Middle School
Ellen, Daniel 638 32208719 2025-12-31 8th Grade IL0GBG Brimfield Grade School
Call, Colton 539 31542748 2025-11-30 8th Grade ILDJDM Dunlap Middle School
King-Takahashi, Branden 504 30920040 2025-05-31 8th Grade ILR5RM Riverton Middle School
Manus, Macgregor 421 30886518 2025-02-28 8th Grade ILR5RM Riverton Middle School
Fordham, Tillyanne 110 31595691 2025-12-31 8th Grade Central Junior High School, East Peoria
LeFevre, Jasper Unrated 31596920 0000-00-00 8th Grade ILR5RM Riverton Middle School USCF membership has expired. See TD.
Arab, Jad 1307 30351787 2025-01-31 High School Open ILDJDU Dunlap High School USCF membership has expired. See TD.
Snopko, Gavin 929 16889525 2025-12-31 High School Open IL6EWA Washington Comm High School