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Show Section Counts

There are 10 players registered as of 2024-12-21T17:42:19Z

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Giedd, Renna Unrated K-5th Grade Unrated
Thrasher, Sophia 615 16400007 2024-12-31 K-8th Grade - Unrated USCF membership will expire. See TD.
Giedd, Jon Unrated K-8th Grade - Unrated
Cook, Mason Unrated K-12th Grade Unrated
Davis, Helen Unrated K-12th Grade Unrated
Eaton, Kassidy Unrated K-12th Grade Unrated
Joy, Robert Unrated K-12th Grade Unrated
Mask, Elias Unrated K-12th Grade Unrated
Tucker, Fallon Unrated K-12th Grade Unrated
Thrasher, Lizabeth 1085 16399990 2025-11-30 Rated QUADS