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There are 9 players registered as of 06/26/2023

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Cedeno, Louis 1826 30130207 2024-03-31 Open
Daliere, John Peter (Jp) Unrated 31293075 2024-06-30 Open
Stephenson, Sam Unrated 31296450 2024-06-30 Open
Lee, Justin 1216 16713783 2024-11-30 U1600
Viramontes, Benjamin 1161 17090150 2023-07-31 U1600
Muthu, Advaith 963 30595584 2024-06-30 U1600
Jen, Emmanuel 831 30830473 2023-11-30 U1600
Abercrombie, Timothy Unrated 31299099 2024-06-30 U1600
Levanti, Martin Unrated 30479546 2024-06-30 U1600