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There are 7 players registered as of 07/23/2023

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Kalghatgi, Nikhil 2245 13797221 2024-09-30 Open
Filler, Zachary 1859 14040236 2099-12-31 Open
Eager, Benjamin 1006 15298337 2024-01-31 Open
Mathew, Anjali 893 17314180 2024-06-30 Open
Bao, Ronny 701 31275259 2024-05-31 Open
Abercrombie, Timothy Unrated 31299099 2024-06-30 Open 0pt: 3
Elferachi, Said Unrated 31344465 2024-07-31 Open