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There are 4 players registered as of 2025-01-05T02:24:25Z

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes School/Team Notes
Knorr, Cabot 741 30630614 2026-04-30 K-5 AZFLBF Basis Flagstaff
Branson, Rylee L 607 30385857 2025-02-28 K-5 AZFLWF W F Killip Elementary School
Tokeshi, Kylie 1226 15066157 2025-03-31 6-12 AZPHAP Asu Preparatory Academy- Phoenix High School
Branson, Krillin J 778 16896124 2025-02-28 6-12 AZFLSM Sinagua Middle School