2021 Bayside Chess Open Entry List
View tournament information for details of the event. Entry list is updated automatically upon registration.
Section Name | Players |
Open | 14 |
Scholastic U1000 | 9 |
Scholastic Unrated | 18 |
There are 41 players registered as of 05/01/2021
Player Name | Rating | USCF ID | Expiration | Section | Online User Name | Byes | Notes | |
Willson, Billy P | 1740 | 12633700 | 2020-03-31 | Open | 64squareCanvas | USCF membership has expired. See TD. | ||
Hunt, Henry | 1480 | 12410983 | 2023-02-28 | Open | Illini574 | |||
Choi, Shawn | 1301 | 16907434 | 2022-12-31 | Open | alexchicken | |||
Dull, Ethan | 1214 | 16818986 | 2023-02-28 | Open | UltimateSkier | |||
Lee, Shan | 1099 | 16920675 | 2022-01-31 | Open | shanlee132 | |||
Dong, Leopold | 1022 | 17295963 | 2022-02-28 | Open | Kiohu | |||
Montgomery, Rhett | 945 | 16081401 | 2022-03-31 | Open | ImAnAdmiral | |||
Klimjack, David Matthew | 907 | 15289863 | 2022-03-31 | Open | ArgentinaMessi | |||
Uppathil, Adithya | 907 | 30062860 | 2021-11-30 | Open | AdithyaU89 | |||
Moore, Alex | 738 | 16242383 | 2023-04-30 | Open | alexmoore | |||
Engeriser, Wilson Charles | 669 | 14899274 | 2022-03-31 | Open | BamaEmpire2019 | |||
Klimjack, Michael William | 640 | 15682840 | 2023-03-31 | Open | FroggyBongo | |||
Hagg, Phineas | Unrated | 30173046 | 2022-04-30 | Open | sup2200 | |||
Howe, Oliver | Unrated | 30172441 | 2022-04-30 | Open | ohowe12 | |||
Bridges, Alexander | 722 | 30036599 | 2021-08-31 | Scholastic U1000 | Iplaychess7108 | |||
Zhu, Aiden | 700 | 30141156 | 2023-03-31 | Scholastic U1000 | aiden2020 | |||
Pipes, John Casey | 576 | 16669128 | 2022-03-31 | Scholastic U1000 | JohnPipes | |||
Stallworth, Jacob McGinnis | 573 | 16601508 | 2022-03-31 | Scholastic U1000 | jacob008 | |||
Nager, Alexandra Nicole | 416 | 14916661 | 2022-04-30 | Scholastic U1000 | NicoleNager832 | 4 | ||
Klimjack, John | 291 | 16915936 | 2022-01-31 | Scholastic U1000 | Poropachimari | |||
Turner, Brantley | 268 | 17282128 | 2022-01-31 | Scholastic U1000 | thebestbutt | |||
Melendez, Libbi Carolyn | Unrated | 30144978 | 2023-03-31 | Scholastic U1000 | libbimelendez | |||
Parker, Hufton | Unrated | 30169932 | 2022-04-30 | Scholastic U1000 | HuftonParker844 | |||
Brown, Bennett | Unrated | Scholastic Unrated | bbrwn8 | |||||
Buchman, Cooper | Unrated | Scholastic Unrated | Weebchanka | |||||
Buchman, Cooper | Unrated | Scholastic Unrated | Weebchanka123 | |||||
Buchman, Max | Unrated | Scholastic Unrated | GeneralDoggo | |||||
Busbee, Walker | Unrated | Scholastic Unrated | walkerbusbee | |||||
Cannizzo, Mary Alice | Unrated | Scholastic Unrated | maryalicecannizzo | |||||
Etheredge, Taylor | Unrated | Scholastic Unrated | TrapperX101 | |||||
Fago, Joseph | Unrated | Scholastic Unrated | StatusQuoJoe | |||||
farley, rhylen | Unrated | Scholastic Unrated | Rebbyyy | |||||
Gill, Daniel | Unrated | Scholastic Unrated | lilundyscore | |||||
Gill, Philip | Unrated | Scholastic Unrated | PhilipGill2005 | |||||
Harcourt, Eli | Unrated | Scholastic Unrated | Butters2011 | |||||
Harcourt, Sitton | Unrated | Scholastic Unrated | ProHippo61 | |||||
Qasim, Mohammad | Unrated | Scholastic Unrated | Mohammad08052008 | |||||
Sconyers, Levin | Unrated | Scholastic Unrated | Levinsconyers1 | |||||
Taylor, Joseph | Unrated | Scholastic Unrated | Ozcar77 | |||||
Turner, Bricen | Unrated | Scholastic Unrated | BricenTurner | |||||
Bridges, Harrison | Unrated | 30036609 | 2021-08-31 | Scholastic Unrated | chessplayer122011 |