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There are 41 players registered as of 05/01/2021

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Online User Name Byes Notes
Willson, Billy P 1740 12633700 2020-03-31 Open 64squareCanvas USCF membership has expired. See TD.
Hunt, Henry 1480 12410983 2023-02-28 Open Illini574
Choi, Shawn 1301 16907434 2022-12-31 Open alexchicken
Dull, Ethan 1214 16818986 2023-02-28 Open UltimateSkier
Lee, Shan 1099 16920675 2022-01-31 Open shanlee132
Dong, Leopold 1022 17295963 2022-02-28 Open Kiohu
Montgomery, Rhett 945 16081401 2022-03-31 Open ImAnAdmiral
Klimjack, David Matthew 907 15289863 2022-03-31 Open ArgentinaMessi
Uppathil, Adithya 907 30062860 2021-11-30 Open AdithyaU89
Moore, Alex 738 16242383 2023-04-30 Open alexmoore
Engeriser, Wilson Charles 669 14899274 2022-03-31 Open BamaEmpire2019
Klimjack, Michael William 640 15682840 2023-03-31 Open FroggyBongo
Hagg, Phineas Unrated 30173046 2022-04-30 Open sup2200
Howe, Oliver Unrated 30172441 2022-04-30 Open ohowe12
Bridges, Alexander 722 30036599 2021-08-31 Scholastic U1000 Iplaychess7108
Zhu, Aiden 700 30141156 2023-03-31 Scholastic U1000 aiden2020
Pipes, John Casey 576 16669128 2022-03-31 Scholastic U1000 JohnPipes
Stallworth, Jacob McGinnis 573 16601508 2022-03-31 Scholastic U1000 jacob008
Nager, Alexandra Nicole 416 14916661 2022-04-30 Scholastic U1000 NicoleNager832 4
Klimjack, John 291 16915936 2022-01-31 Scholastic U1000 Poropachimari
Turner, Brantley 268 17282128 2022-01-31 Scholastic U1000 thebestbutt
Melendez, Libbi Carolyn Unrated 30144978 2023-03-31 Scholastic U1000 libbimelendez
Parker, Hufton Unrated 30169932 2022-04-30 Scholastic U1000 HuftonParker844
Brown, Bennett Unrated Scholastic Unrated bbrwn8
Buchman, Cooper Unrated Scholastic Unrated Weebchanka
Buchman, Cooper Unrated Scholastic Unrated Weebchanka123
Buchman, Max Unrated Scholastic Unrated GeneralDoggo
Busbee, Walker Unrated Scholastic Unrated walkerbusbee
Cannizzo, Mary Alice Unrated Scholastic Unrated maryalicecannizzo
Etheredge, Taylor Unrated Scholastic Unrated TrapperX101
Fago, Joseph Unrated Scholastic Unrated StatusQuoJoe
farley, rhylen Unrated Scholastic Unrated Rebbyyy
Gill, Daniel Unrated Scholastic Unrated lilundyscore
Gill, Philip Unrated Scholastic Unrated PhilipGill2005
Harcourt, Eli Unrated Scholastic Unrated Butters2011
Harcourt, Sitton Unrated Scholastic Unrated ProHippo61
Qasim, Mohammad Unrated Scholastic Unrated Mohammad08052008
Sconyers, Levin Unrated Scholastic Unrated Levinsconyers1
Taylor, Joseph Unrated Scholastic Unrated Ozcar77
Turner, Bricen Unrated Scholastic Unrated BricenTurner
Bridges, Harrison Unrated 30036609 2021-08-31 Scholastic Unrated chessplayer122011