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Show Section Counts

There are 8 players registered as of 01/11/2025

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Fortin, Trevor 930 16028960 2026-12-31 U1000
Lark, Robert James 655 31608971 2025-12-31 U1000
Madara, Clark 406 32165161 2026-11-30 U1000
Manivelan, Raghav 348 32036503 2025-09-30 U1000
Verma, Anika 104 31978397 2025-08-31 U1000
Gaddam, Purnasai Reddy Unrated 32228973 0000-00-00 U1000 USCF membership has expired. See TD.
Basit, Ronjon Unrated 31232842 2025-12-31 U1000
Meyer, Talon Unrated 32199457 2025-12-31 U1000