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There are 9 players registered as of 08/24/2024

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Anderson, Deja 926 30102288 2025-08-31 U1000
Vivek, Jahnav 852 31608679 2025-01-31 U1000
Ruhullah, Yaqub Uzair 731 31035810 2025-04-30 U1000
Chen, Nolan Unrated 32002335 2025-08-31 U1000
Manivassakam, Adhithan Unrated 31555529 2025-11-30 U1000
Manivassakam, Avanith Unrated 31639062 2026-01-31 U1000
McMurtry, Christopher Unrated 32001353 2025-08-31 U1000
Snodgrass, Declan Unrated 31995562 2025-08-31 U1000
Torres, Fernando Unrated 31868653 2026-04-30 U1000 0pt: 4