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There are 46 players registered as of 2025-03-12T11:21:16Z

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes School/Team Notes
Deutsch, Andrew Thomas 1168 31331490 2025-07-31 K-12 OPEN CAL2LU Laurence School
Garza-Reyes, Waylon 1092 30814577 2025-11-30 K-12 OPEN The Royal Fork
Zhang, Ariston 1050 31718015 2027-02-28 K-12 OPEN CATCBC Beyond Chess (Temple City)
Shapiro, Jonty 1016 30679136 2025-08-31 K-12 OPEN N/A
Nair, Harinandh 1001 31261939 2025-10-31 K-12 OPEN American Chess Academy Thousand Oaks
Gautam, Ved 991 30538338 2025-04-30 K-12 OPEN CANPEA Environmental Academy of Research Technology and Earth Sciences
Nair, Aditya 967 31353151 2025-07-31 K-12 OPEN CALAFI Faith Baptist School
Sorenson, Maxwell Logan 913 30520752 2026-03-31 K-12 OPEN CATOLR Lang Ranch
Roy, Archit 847 31387535 2025-08-31 K-12 OPEN CANPSM Sequoia Middle School (Newbury Park)
Lieblich, Garin 563 32150116 2025-11-30 K-12 OPEN CAA7AH Agoura High School
Ravikumar, Surya 668 31074192 2026-03-31 K-8 Under 800 CASVHM Hillside Middle School
Chakravarty, Adwika 634 30953870 2027-02-28 K-8 Under 800 CAL2LU Laurence School
Satchyan, Mher 634 31736767 2026-02-28 K-8 Under 800 CALCMA Mountain Avenue Elementary School
Lu, Andrew 602 31600163 2025-12-31 K-8 Under 800 CARHBC Beyond Chess
Sherwood, Bennett Lev 527 32226161 2027-01-31 K-8 Under 800 CAGLEJ Eleanor J. Toll Middle School
Akopian, Albert 523 31337459 2025-07-31 K-8 Under 800 Dixie Canyon Community Charter School
Hsiao, Kellen 500 31905747 2025-05-31 K-8 Under 800 RA
Li, Stephen 332 17153008 2025-04-30 K-8 Under 800 CAV6RP Rancho Pico Junior High School
Tixier, Sacha Unrated 32268405 2026-01-31 K-8 Under 800 CAYOLH La Canada High School
Olson, Natnapin Madeleine 599 30459713 2025-03-31 K-5 Under 600 CAL2LU Laurence School USCF membership will expire. See TD.
Satchyan, Tzovinar 541 31730632 2026-02-28 K-5 Under 600 CALCMA Mountain Avenue Elementary School
Soulakhian, Michael David 526 32175232 2026-11-30 K-5 Under 600 CATOAC American Chess Academy Thousand Oaks
Karapetyan, Vahagn 487 31359499 2025-07-31 K-5 Under 600 CANIBG Balboa Gifted/High Ability Magnet Elementary School
Balasubramanian, Aadith 463 32222994 2025-12-31 K-5 Under 600 Chess Fest
Li, Marlon Cheng 400 31834989 2025-04-30 K-5 Under 600 CAV6PC Pico Canyon Elementary School
Savoian, Eden Elizabeth 400 32148361 2026-11-30 K-5 Under 600 CAZTBL Bay Laurel Elementary School
Ortega, Levi 318 31163696 2025-05-31 K-5 Under 600 CANILS Lorne Street Elementary School
Nurijanyan, Marc 336 31263729 2025-05-31 K-3 Under 400 CAGLAC American Chess Academy Glendale
Morgan, Naomi 308 32033874 2026-09-30 K-3 Under 400 CAZTRM Round Meadow Elementary School
Olson, Kanin Jax 150 31656030 2025-03-31 K-3 Under 400 CAL2LU Laurence School USCF membership will expire. See TD.
Doddi, Abhinav 146 31743958 2026-02-28 K-3 Under 400 CAAZAC American Chess Academy Calabasas
Lee, Maximo Delane 115 31572985 2026-12-31 K-3 Under 400 CAL2LU Laurence School
Greene, Asha Unrated 32297763 2026-02-28 K-3 Under 400 CAL2LU Laurence School USCF membership has expired. See TD.
Anil, Arathi Unrated K-6 Rookies CAOPRO Red Oak Elementary School
davidian, jenny Unrated K-6 Rookies Laurence School
Dudek, Grey Unrated K-6 Rookies CAL2LU Laurence School
Eisenmann, Abigail Unrated K-6 Rookies CAZTRM Round Meadow Elementary School
Householter, James Unrated K-6 Rookies CAZTRM Round Meadow Elementary School
Keshishian, Zabelle Unrated K-6 Rookies CAL2LU Laurence School
Lisbona, Jordan Unrated K-6 Rookies CAZTRM Round Meadow Elementary School
Ramadan, Jason Unrated K-6 Rookies CAZTRM Round Meadow Elementary School
Soulakhian, Leonardo Unrated K-6 Rookies none
Soulakhian, Lucy Unrated K-6 Rookies none
Kahane, Arlo Unrated 32273089 2027-01-31 K-6 Rookies CAL2LU Laurence School
Kahane, Bear Unrated 32298784 2026-02-28 K-6 Rookies CAL2LU Laurence School
Reichman, Daniel Alexander Unrated 32027460 2025-09-30 K-6 Rookies Russian chess school