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Show Section Counts

There are 12 players registered as of 2025-02-06T16:39:30Z

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Wang, Jeffrey L 1225 31687529 2026-01-31 Warmup
Wang, Julia 1106 30900275 2026-12-31 Warmup
Huang, Kaitlyn Kaiwen 893 30489014 2026-12-31 Warmup
Nguyen, Maximus 713 31679854 2026-02-28 Warmup
Vicuna, Matthew Brian 664 16653761 2025-04-30 Warmup
Vo, Tam 497 31864859 2025-04-30 Warmup
Vo, Wilson 280 31865489 2025-04-30 Warmup
Andrade, Maya Unrated 32246437 2026-01-31 Warmup
Argento, Mark Unrated 30281908 2026-12-31 Warmup
Barajas, Xavier Unrated 32288728 2026-02-28 Warmup
Marky, Greyson Unrated 32237651 2026-01-31 Warmup USCF membership has expired. See TD.
Marshall, Robert Unrated 32235357 2027-01-31 Warmup