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Show Section Counts

There are 206 players registered as of 03/01/2025

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes School/Team Notes
Prabhaker, Sriram N 764 31836299 2026-05-31 K-3 Championship NVHEGM Gordon McCaw Elementary School
Honnatti, Kairav 624 31080041 2026-02-28 K-3 Championship NVLVLD Las Vegas Day School
Chen, Irene 533 30604543 2026-05-31 K-3 Championship NVLVMH Mabel Hoggard Elementary School
Zhou, Austin 520 30923695 2026-02-28 K-3 Championship NVHEGM Gordon McCaw Elementary School
Cen, Dongyang 496 31639323 2026-01-31 K-3 Championship NVLVAB Amplus Academy Rainbow Campus
Zhao, Leo 430 30899534 2026-12-31 K-3 Championship NVLVCT Coral Academy of Science Tamarus
Xie, Jasper 417 32026435 2025-09-30 K-3 Championship
Huang, Yifan 383 31931890 2026-06-30 K-3 Championship NVLVCE Clarence Piggott Elementary School
Wu, Titus S 357 31687428 2026-01-31 K-3 Championship NVLVMW The Meadows School
Kumar, Saji 329 31031502 2027-01-31 K-3 Championship
Andres, Lincoln 298 31920451 2025-06-30 K-3 Championship
Vo, Wilson 280 31865489 2025-04-30 K-3 Championship NVHEJE James E & A Rae Smalley Elementary School
Mokuolu, Tayo 270 31531956 2026-01-31 K-3 Championship NVLVLD Las Vegas Day School
Waller, Isaiah 124 30622234 2026-02-28 K-3 Championship NVLVSO St Viator Catholic School
Segovia, Julian 121 31038715 2027-02-28 K-3 Championship NVLVSO St Viator Catholic School
Harris, Noah 117 31490961 2026-01-31 K-3 Championship NVLVLD Las Vegas Day School
Moya, Leonardo 101 31038547 2026-02-28 K-3 Championship NVLVSO St Viator Catholic School
Pilavjyan, Areg 101 32174248 2025-11-30 K-3 Championship NVLVC5 Cornerstone Christian Academy (Las Vegas)
Pilavjyan, Narek 101 32174363 2025-11-30 K-3 Championship NVLVC5 Cornerstone Christian Academy (Las Vegas)
Barcelo, Miles Unrated 32326772 2027-02-28 K-3 Championship
Cox, Angelo Unrated 32283842 2026-02-28 K-3 Championship NVLVLD Las Vegas Day School
Stucke, David Unrated 32322355 2026-02-28 K-3 Championship NVLVC6 Capstone Christian Academy
Weisenmiller, Grady Unrated 32329874 2026-02-28 K-3 Championship NVLVLD Las Vegas Day School
Abdul Jabbar, Haroon Unrated 32282066 2026-02-28 K-3 Championship NVLVLD Las Vegas Day School
Abreu, Julianna Unrated 32274565 2026-01-31 K-3 Championship NVLVLD Las Vegas Day School
Borer, Julian Unrated 32283029 2026-02-28 K-3 Championship NVLVLD Las Vegas Day School
Correa, Harlem Unrated 32247084 2027-01-31 K-3 Championship Home Schooled
Guzman, Isabelle S Unrated 32246180 2027-01-31 K-3 Championship NVLVOL Our Lady of Las Vegas School
Hill, Madison Unrated 32270843 2026-01-31 K-3 Championship NVLVLD Las Vegas Day School
Kessler, Everly Unrated 32280850 2026-02-28 K-3 Championship NVLVLD Las Vegas Day School
Khalifa, Raiden Unrated 32274768 2027-01-31 K-3 Championship NVHELT Legacy Traditional School - Cadence
Mironov, Aleksandr Unrated 32270487 2026-01-31 K-3 Championship NVLVCT Coral Academy of Science Tamarus
Paramadilok, Maxim Unrated 32307603 2026-02-28 K-3 Championship NVLVJG Judy & John L Goolsby Elementary School
Pham, Antoine Unrated 32275786 2026-01-31 K-3 Championship NVLVTA Tony Alamo Elementary School
Ricalde, Ethan Unrated 32290228 2026-02-28 K-3 Championship NVLVLD Las Vegas Day School
Saeed, Abdullah Unrated 32275997 2026-01-31 K-3 Championship NVLVTA Tony Alamo Elementary School
Spajic, Brisco Unrated 32234945 2026-01-31 K-3 Championship NVLVSO St Viator Catholic School
Tong, Matthew Unrated 32280965 2026-02-28 K-3 Championship NVLVLD Las Vegas Day School
Tran, Steve Unrated 32277779 2026-01-31 K-3 Championship NVLVTA Tony Alamo Elementary School
Guo, Xiaotian Timi 1207 30745769 2025-10-31 K-5 Championship NVLVCT Coral Academy of Science Tamarus
Era, Jewel 1090 32216148 2026-12-31 K-5 Championship NVLVBY Bill Y Tomiyasu Elementary School
Kamalanathan, Aaryan 1088 31869794 2026-05-31 K-5 Championship NVHEGM Gordon McCaw Elementary School
Zhou, Justin 1067 30923687 2026-02-28 K-5 Championship NVHEGM Gordon McCaw Elementary School
Hudkins, Nico 1052 31032217 2026-06-30 K-5 Championship NVLVLD Las Vegas Day School
Pascual, Tristan 983 31285385 2025-05-31 K-5 Championship NVHELC Lake Mead Christian Academy
Chio, Kuan Cheng (Sammy) 858 30571630 2026-06-30 K-5 Championship NVLVCT Coral Academy of Science Tamarus
Balelo, Broxton 771 30465369 2026-02-28 K-5 Championship NVLVLD Las Vegas Day School
Levi, Ronald Juan 754 31984524 2026-08-31 K-5 Championship NVHEGM Gordon McCaw Elementary School
Huang, Davin 690 30954559 2025-06-30 K-5 Championship NVHENA Nasri Academy For Gifted Children
Skorobohatov, Mykhailo 633 32181263 2025-12-31 K-5 Championship NVLVJG Judy & John L Goolsby Elementary School
Pehlivani, Lucas 610 30499330 2026-03-31 K-5 Championship
Nir, Beeri 603 30316901 2026-02-28 K-5 Championship NVLVJY JOY Academy of Southern Nevada
Tran, Phoebe 600 31038773 2026-02-28 K-5 Championship NVLVSO St Viator Catholic School
Wall, Jack Ryan 556 31691046 2026-06-30 K-5 Championship NVLVJN Joseph M Neal Elementary School
Chu, Brayden 545 30734151 2026-01-31 K-5 Championship NVLVLD Las Vegas Day School
Love, Franco Farcon 533 31644222 2027-01-31 K-5 Championship NVLVZS St Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School
Wall, Will 513 31691706 2026-06-30 K-5 Championship NVLVJN Joseph M Neal Elementary School
Vo, Tam 497 31864859 2025-04-30 K-5 Championship NVHEJE James E & A Rae Smalley Elementary School
Yeranosian, Pavel 483 31908435 2025-05-31 K-5 Championship NVLVDY Doral Academy
Bell, Jackson Michael 470 30735011 2026-01-31 K-5 Championship NVLVLD Las Vegas Day School
Segovia, Dominic 460 30607983 2026-02-28 K-5 Championship NVLVSO St Viator Catholic School
Gholston, Ryan Mathew 457 31749283 2026-02-28 K-5 Championship NVLVJN Joseph M Neal Elementary School
Rattanakone, Samson 448 32252574 2026-01-31 K-5 Championship NVLVJN Joseph M Neal Elementary School
Batallia, Mason 410 31092474 2026-01-31 K-5 Championship NVLVJN Joseph M Neal Elementary School
Gaza, Ysabella 410 31038453 2026-02-28 K-5 Championship
Paramadilok, Alexander 392 31915799 2026-06-30 K-5 Championship NVLVJG Judy & John L Goolsby Elementary School
Martinez, Tristan 385 30963161 2026-01-31 K-5 Championship NVLVZS St Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School
Rands, Jackson 384 30747576 2025-12-31 K-5 Championship NVLVLD Las Vegas Day School
Mendez, Jacoby 379 31038526 2026-02-28 K-5 Championship NVLVSO St Viator Catholic School
Kolluru, Ahaan 371 31724101 2027-02-28 K-5 Championship
Jackson, Karson 320 31589309 2026-12-31 K-5 Championship NVLVJG Judy & John L Goolsby Elementary School
Maddox, Vashon 314 31695821 2026-02-28 K-5 Championship NVLVJN Joseph M Neal Elementary School
Maddox, Vivianna 270 31695818 2026-02-28 K-5 Championship NVLVJN Joseph M Neal Elementary School
Hafner, Steven 221 32250727 2027-01-31 K-5 Championship NVLVJN Joseph M Neal Elementary School
Tu, Nathan Chen 196 30607032 2028-03-31 K-5 Championship NVLVMW The Meadows School
Guzman, Roger G 176 31041250 2028-04-30 K-5 Championship NVLVOL Our Lady of Las Vegas School
Moya, Sebastian 171 30608174 2026-02-28 K-5 Championship NVLVSO St Viator Catholic School
Ranola, Madison Jade 149 30951693 2026-02-28 K-5 Championship 1,2 NVLVZS St Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School
Osuoha, Onyinye 116 30744566 2026-02-28 K-5 Championship NVLVLD Las Vegas Day School
Gutierrez, Miguelangel Unrated 32322551 2026-02-28 K-5 Championship NVLVOL Our Lady of Las Vegas School
Alpay, Sefer Unrated 32287080 2026-02-28 K-5 Championship NVLVTA Tony Alamo Elementary School
Barco, Eliezer Unrated 32321699 2026-02-28 K-5 Championship NVLVTA Tony Alamo Elementary School
Diep, Keanu Unrated 32283153 2028-03-31 K-5 Championship NVLVLD Las Vegas Day School
Gonzalez, Leonardo Unrated 32275217 2026-01-31 K-5 Championship homeschool
Mangubat, Amelia Unrated 32250928 2026-01-31 K-5 Championship NVLVSO St Viator Catholic School
Marshall, Arthur Unrated 32274305 2026-01-31 K-5 Championship NVLVJN Joseph M Neal Elementary School
Ramsey, Alexander Unrated 32272456 2026-01-31 K-5 Championship NVLVJN Joseph M Neal Elementary School
Rollings, Annalyn Unrated 32275708 2026-01-31 K-5 Championship NVLVJN Joseph M Neal Elementary School
Suksangasophon, Wynd Unrated 32277894 2026-01-31 K-5 Championship NVLVTA Tony Alamo Elementary School
Tran, Ryan Unrated 32277717 2026-01-31 K-5 Championship NVLVTA Tony Alamo Elementary School
Wade, Scott Unrated 32278439 2026-01-31 K-5 Championship NVLVJN Joseph M Neal Elementary School
Xie, Patrick Unrated 32283099 2026-02-28 K-5 Championship
Bitoon, Jarl Reyhan Lee 1578 16319996 2025-12-31 Middle School Championship NVLVO6 Odyssey Charter School 6-8
Skoczylas, Alexander 1540 16503528 2026-01-31 Middle School Championship NVLVHP Hyde Park Middle School
Wang, Isaac 1462 30926480 2026-01-31 Middle School Championship NVLVHP Hyde Park Middle School
Castro, Maximus 1456 16834938 2025-07-31 Middle School Championship NVLVLD Las Vegas Day School
Wang, Jeffrey L 1227 31687529 2026-01-31 Middle School Championship NVLVSG Sig Rogich Middle School
Quaney, Luke 1181 31677384 2026-01-31 Middle School Championship NVLVLM Lied STEM Academy
Plath, Ray Drew 1107 31675302 2026-01-31 Middle School Championship NVLVLM Lied STEM Academy
Kamalanathan, Siddharthan 1082 31869809 2026-05-31 Middle School Championship NVHEBM Bob Miller Middle School
Marshall, Robert 1045 32235357 2027-01-31 Middle School Championship NVLVZS St Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School
Heathcock, Jacob 1026 31047398 2026-02-28 Middle School Championship NVLVLM Lied STEM Academy
Wang, Julia 1011 30900275 2026-12-31 Middle School Championship NVLVNB Noble Collegiate Academy
Flores, David 925 30730567 2025-05-31 Middle School Championship NVLVVF Victoria Fertitta Middle School
Koozmitch-Woolley, Jaydyn 923 31677910 2026-01-31 Middle School Championship NVLVLM Lied STEM Academy
Polat, Doga 911 30580863 2026-04-30 Middle School Championship NVLVHP Hyde Park Middle School
Khalifa, Roxas 910 31037054 2026-02-28 Middle School Championship NVHELT Legacy Traditional School - Cadence
Wall, Nolan James 894 31039854 2026-02-28 Middle School Championship NVLVLM Lied STEM Academy
Chen, Ethan 881 30097430 2026-05-31 Middle School Championship NVLVHP Hyde Park Middle School
Bar-On, Shai 880 31583068 2026-02-28 Middle School Championship NVLVSG Sig Rogich Middle School
Zhang, Wesley 869 30872798 2025-12-31 Middle School Championship NVLVHP Hyde Park Middle School
Tyler, Isaac 831 31698223 2026-02-28 Middle School Championship NVLVLM Lied STEM Academy
Marmol, David 824 31047201 2026-02-28 Middle School Championship NVLVLM Lied STEM Academy
Pickle, Kaiden Dean 734 31715726 2026-02-28 Middle School Championship NVLVLM Lied STEM Academy
Vardapetyan, Alexander 727 17291603 2026-02-28 Middle School Championship NVLVLD Las Vegas Day School
Nguyen, Maximus 709 31679854 2026-02-28 Middle School Championship NVLVSO St Viator Catholic School
Arustamyan, Levon 695 31042193 2026-05-31 Middle School Championship NVLVSG Sig Rogich Middle School
Kim, Evan 693 31087346 2026-05-31 Middle School Championship NVLVMW The Meadows School
Castro, Alex 685 17326768 2025-07-31 Middle School Championship NVLVLD Las Vegas Day School
Liang, Zihao Asher 678 31442384 2026-11-30 Middle School Championship
Vicuna, Matthew Brian 664 16653761 2025-04-30 Middle School Championship NVLVZS St Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School
Rodriguez, Maximus Fabiani 662 16946437 2026-02-28 Middle School Championship NVLVSO St Viator Catholic School
Porras, Sergio 638 31646747 2026-02-28 Middle School Championship NVLVSO St Viator Catholic School
Weinstein, Benjamin 637 31726522 2026-02-28 Middle School Championship NVLVSG Sig Rogich Middle School
Minemura, Winston Koki 620 32241325 2026-01-31 Middle School Championship
Tejero, Zion Ayat 559 31650843 2026-01-31 Middle School Championship NVLVLM Lied STEM Academy
Seatriz, Jonah 550 31718798 2025-02-28 Middle School Championship NVLVSG Sig Rogich Middle School USCF membership will expire. See TD.
Dolan, Jonathan 538 30607992 2026-01-31 Middle School Championship NVHEBM Bob Miller Middle School
Hasman, Jake 470 31643124 2026-01-31 Middle School Championship NVLVZS St Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School
Scott, Angelo 372 31038653 2026-02-28 Middle School Championship NVLVSO St Viator Catholic School
Laskey, Connor John 343 17302171 2027-01-31 Middle School Championship NVLVLD Las Vegas Day School
Crawford, Abigail Unrated 32330038 2027-02-28 Middle School Championship NVLVSG Sig Rogich Middle School
Zabolotskii, Platon Unrated 32333706 2026-02-28 Middle School Championship NVLVSG Sig Rogich Middle School
Bieman, Rocco Unrated 32330521 2026-02-28 Middle School Championship NVLVRC Ralph Cadwallader Middle School
Brooks, Zack Unrated 32264734 2026-01-31 Middle School Championship NVLVLM Lied STEM Academy
Flannery, Merrick Unrated 32262055 2026-01-31 Middle School Championship NVLVLM Lied STEM Academy
Manlutac, Mason Unrated 32294487 2026-02-28 Middle School Championship NVLVLM Lied STEM Academy
Simonyan, Samvel Unrated 32270448 2026-01-31 Middle School Championship NVLVVF Victoria Fertitta Middle School
Wang, Ryan Unrated 32262041 2026-01-31 Middle School Championship NVLVLM Lied STEM Academy
Howard, Evan Reese 1897 30547795 2026-06-30 High School Championship
Arnson, Odin 1506 16393366 2025-12-31 High School Championship NVNLCN College of So. Nv High School East
Slowik, David Raphael 1384 30511632 2026-03-31 High School Championship NVLVWC West Career & Technical Academy
Ibarra, Lazaro 1285 31041466 2026-02-28 High School Championship NVLVLA Las Vegas Academy of International Studies
Monteil, James 1233 31432645 2025-09-30 High School Championship NVLVDS Del Sol High School
Wilson, Alexander 1179 17054465 2025-10-31 High School Championship NVLVSR Shadow Ridge High School
Chen, Matthew 1170 30618788 2025-10-31 High School Championship NVLVWC West Career & Technical Academy
Wright, Jayden 1169 31304040 2025-10-31 High School Championship
Seipp, Scott 1145 17183014 2025-10-31 High School Championship NVHELH Liberty High School
Flores, Daniel Armen 1049 30730558 2025-05-31 High School Championship NVLVSH Spring Valley High School
Cardona, Joseph Anthony 855 30980692 2026-02-28 High School Championship NVLVEH Eldorado High School
Mohamed, Jack 834 16946327 2026-01-31 High School Championship
Salceiro, Jayden Jovani 797 31431588 2025-10-31 High School Championship NVHEFH Foothill High School
Jaramillo, Olivia 762 31181429 2026-05-31 High School Championship NVLVBG Bishop Gorman High School
Ebelt, James 758 31529090 2025-12-31 High School Championship NVLVWC West Career & Technical Academy
Thompson, Quinton 687 31369845 2025-08-31 High School Championship NVHEPS Pinecrest Academy of Nevada Sloan Canyon
Chapson, Clark Scott Unrated 32051652 2025-09-30 High School Championship NVLVDS Del Sol High School
Daley, Mason Unrated 31432603 2025-10-31 High School Championship NVHEFH Foothill High School
Destura, Kenrich Unrated 32080049 2025-10-31 High School Championship NVHEFH Foothill High School
Henry, Gavin Unrated 32051682 2025-09-30 High School Championship NVLVDS Del Sol High School
Johnson, Arnell (Aj) Unrated 32054630 2025-09-30 High School Championship NVLVDS Del Sol High School
Manalansan, Daniel Unrated 31335868 2026-02-28 High School Championship NVHELH Liberty High School
McGaughey-Stratton, Wyatt James Unrated 32148894 2025-11-30 High School Championship NVLVEH Eldorado High School
Ogbuefi, Kayden Paltiel Unrated 30484129 2025-09-30 High School Championship NVLVDS Del Sol High School
Oliver, Matthew Unrated 31470971 2025-11-30 High School Championship NVLVEH Eldorado High School
Priborsky, Fernando Unrated 32070543 2025-10-31 High School Championship NVHELH Liberty High School
Regan, Mark Unrated 32051635 2025-09-30 High School Championship NVLVSM Sunrise Mountain High School
Sparks, Pierce Unrated 32066119 2025-10-31 High School Championship
Hodgman, Hannah Lu 689 31271692 2026-05-31 K-12 Reserve NVLVNB Noble Collegiate Academy
Argento, Mark 682 30281908 2026-12-31 K-12 Reserve NVLVAT Advanced Technologies Academy
Yap, Calyx Allerdyce 548 31440309 2026-10-31 K-12 Reserve NVLVNB Noble Collegiate Academy
Guo, Xiaoyue Tina 480 31297069 2025-06-30 K-12 Reserve NVLVCT Coral Academy of Science Tamarus
Chiou, Kaibo 459 32098657 2025-10-31 K-12 Reserve
Barajas, Xavier 437 32288728 2026-02-28 K-12 Reserve NVLVAT Advanced Technologies Academy
Finkler, Gianna 424 31038360 2026-02-28 K-12 Reserve NVLVSO St Viator Catholic School
Chee, Anthony Miles 415 31919989 2025-06-30 K-12 Reserve NVLVBV Billy & Rosemary Vassiliadis
Saul, Finkler 352 31038351 2026-02-28 K-12 Reserve NVLVSO St Viator Catholic School
Gagarin, Greg 315 31038439 2026-02-28 K-12 Reserve 4,5, 0pt: 6 NVLVSO St Viator Catholic School
Conrado-Wood, Kennady 292 31038307 2026-02-28 K-12 Reserve NVLVSO St Viator Catholic School
Padilla, Thiago Meloy 161 31038639 2027-02-28 K-12 Reserve NVLVSO St Viator Catholic School
Baugus, Matthew Unrated 32184177 2025-12-31 K-12 Reserve NVLVWC West Career & Technical Academy
Zhang, Haoning Unrated 32282561 2026-02-28 K-12 Reserve NVLVLD Las Vegas Day School
He, Justin 512 31234032 2025-08-31 K-5 Reserve NVLVCE Clarence Piggott Elementary School
Vardapetyan, Michael 372 31005544 2026-02-28 K-5 Reserve NVLVLD Las Vegas Day School
Wang, Eric 327 30923708 2026-02-28 K-5 Reserve NVHEGM Gordon McCaw Elementary School
Rodriguez, Moses 308 30608099 2026-02-28 K-5 Reserve NVLVSO St Viator Catholic School
Dedmon, Algernon Lamar 305 31698255 2026-02-28 K-5 Reserve NVLVJN Joseph M Neal Elementary School
Mai, Chenrui 297 31165751 2025-06-30 K-5 Reserve NVLVNB Noble Collegiate Academy
Lopez, Daniel Bruce 278 30607883 2026-02-28 K-5 Reserve NVLVSO St Viator Catholic School
Palacio, Imogene 231 30607922 2026-02-28 K-5 Reserve NVLVSO St Viator Catholic School
Mendez, Jayden 211 31038536 2026-02-28 K-5 Reserve NVLVSO St Viator Catholic School
McWhorter, Brandyi La'Rain 185 30764952 2026-02-28 K-5 Reserve NVLVLD Las Vegas Day School
Mantes, Raoul 183 31983846 2025-08-31 K-5 Reserve
Lester-McLaughlin, Bentley 151 30621962 2026-02-28 K-5 Reserve NVHEPA Pinecrest Academy of Nevada Horizon
Caruso, Arabella 144 31038292 2026-02-28 K-5 Reserve NVLVSO St Viator Catholic School
Wood, Kaisynten 121 31038793 2026-02-28 K-5 Reserve NVLVSO St Viator Catholic School
Detmer, Michael Dale 109 31661900 2026-01-31 K-5 Reserve NVLVOL Our Lady of Las Vegas School
Garcia-Hotze, Emma 108 32222400 2025-12-31 K-5 Reserve NVLVNB Noble Collegiate Academy
Andrade, Maya 106 32246437 2026-01-31 K-5 Reserve NVLVWU William Lummis Elementary School
Mantes, Olivia Mey 103 31983854 2025-08-31 K-5 Reserve
Ayala, Jermagne Hunter Unrated 32334706 2026-02-28 K-5 Reserve NVLVSO St Viator Catholic School
Ayala, Rylie justice Unrated 32334832 2026-02-28 K-5 Reserve NVLVSO St Viator Catholic School
Peredo, Myles Unrated 32334198 2026-02-28 K-5 Reserve NVLVSO St Viator Catholic School
Tinnell, Bethany Unrated 32244708 0000-00-00 K-5 Reserve NVLVOL Our Lady of Las Vegas School USCF membership has expired. See TD.
Chang, Thomas Unrated 32283642 2026-02-28 K-5 Reserve NVLVAS Sandra B Abston STEAM Elementary School USCF membership has expired. See TD.
Hawkins, Carter Unrated 32301805 2026-02-28 K-5 Reserve NVLVTA Tony Alamo Elementary School
Zhou, Lucas Unrated 32282902 2027-02-28 K-5 Reserve NVLVLR Linda Rankin Givens Elementary School